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クボタ トラクターの油圧調整





流体力学は、流れる流体を扱います。 John Deere トラクターの油圧は、静水圧の原理に従って作動します。水や油などの非圧縮性流体から発生する巨大な圧力は、閉じたシステムで機能する途方もない容量を持っています。 John Deere のトラクターや車のブレーキは、すべてこの原理を使用しています。





バックホーやバケット、ブレードなどの標準的なトラクター アタッチメントはすべて油圧で作動し、膨張または収縮しているシリンダーは、さまざまな量の作動油を含むピストンです。加圧作動油を含むラインが低くなりすぎると、壊滅的な故障のリスクがあります。


最新のトラクター設計では、エンジンからの動力を伝達する従来のベルトおよびギア トランスミッションの代わりに、加圧作動油を使用するハイドロスタティック トランスミッションも備えています。バックホーに動力を供給したり、バケットを持ち上げたりするピストンのような油圧トランスミッションは、多くのトルクの利点を提供し、完全にクリーンな作動油を必要とします。フィルターは、それ以上ではないにしても、500 時間の作業時間ごとに交換またはクリーニングする必要があります






さまざまなユースケースに対応する多くの作動油がありますが、トラクターの場合、作動油の特定の化学組成と粘度、または厚さが必要です。粘度は、流れに対する抵抗を表す用語です。 Compared to water, oil flows more slowly; thus, it is more viscous. Molasses is very viscous. It is essential only to use the proper hydraulic fluid in your tractor, or you risk premature wear and tear that will shorten the useful life of your tractor.

Kubota hydraulic pressure adjustment options

Hydraulic pressure test kits are an essential tool for tractor maintenance as well as an emergency repair. Specially designed for hydraulic fault-finding as well as reporting purposes, they check reliability, safety, and leak tightness of pressure systems like those on your tractor. These hydraulic pressure testers perform operational checks, including the ability to accurately assess:

To operate one, disconnect the pressure line in question and connect it to the tester. It will diagnose issues that otherwise can go unnoticed.

Although expensive, the return on investment is significant. More so, if you use it as part of a warranty claim, helping you to replace faulty components, and avoid machine downtime and out-of-pocket expenses. Unlike your basic pressure gauge mentioned earlier, these hydraulic pressure testing kits give you an expert level diagnosis of common and uncommon faults with your tractor.

There are many hydraulic pressure adjustment options. Which one is best for you depends heavily on the use-case you have with your tractor. If you are a farmer or work in construction, then the ability to diagnose issues quickly is worth paying more money for a more professional-oriented kit with more components and the ability to diagnose problems across a wide pressure spectrum. For the home-gamer type, this type of kit may be overkill, and a cheaper kit with only a couple components is needed.

Regardless of the type of tester you have, repairing and replacing parts is not the same as diagnosing the issue. Unless you are a certified professional, it is strongly recommended that you do not perform certain repairs yourself. With pressure systems like hydraulics, a part that is improperly installed or is accidentally damaged when replacing another can create a dangerous feedback effect that could result in an accident.

Final thoughts

Your tractor is likely a cherished possession. Whether you use it to mow your field, build homes, or farm the land, your tractor is a niche tool that most people will have no active need for. But, as any tractor owner will attest to, if the need for a tractor arises, they can in minutes to hours perform tasks that would require dozens to hundreds of man-hours of labor.

Therefore, it is imperative to make sure that your tractor is adequately maintained. The diesel engine is little different than other internal combustion engine machines you have used, but the hydraulics are a different beast entirely.

Pressurized systems like hydraulic cylinders are tremendously powerful, but if not properly maintained, they are a significant safety hazard. Knowing how to check the various hydraulic fluid levels in your tractor, be it John Deere, Kubota, or something else, is extremely important when it comes to ensuring your tractor is working properly and avoiding costly machine downtime for extensive repairs.

You need to be well qualified to repair your tractor, but every tractor owner and operator should know how to check the basic hydraulic fluid levels.

If you have any questions, or need help with emergency hydraulic hose repair, please feel free contact us.


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