3D プリントを最もよく使用する職業と部門は?
技術的に言えば、3D プリンターは、現在私たちが持っている最も先進的で未来的なデバイスの 1 つです。これらの機器へのアクセスがより簡単かつ安価になっているため、この技術に賭けているさまざまな分野やセクターがあります。
次に、3D プリンターを最大限に活用している分野について少しお話しましょう。 これらの機器の将来に期待されることの概要を説明します。
企業が 3D プリントに投資すべき理由
企業が 3D プリントに投資するメリットはさまざまです。
- コストを削減 :ピースの 3D プリントのコストは、3D プリント プロバイダーからピース自体を購入するよりも最大 3 倍または 4 倍安くなる可能性があります。また、最速のピースが得られ、輸送コストも節約できます。
- 制作プロセスを合理化 :いつでもどんな部品でも処分できる 製造期限、配送業者、注文ごとのリクエストなどを気にすることなく、ほとんどの企業にとって夢のようです。
- 品質、精度、汎用性 :新しい素材の出現により、3D プリンターを使用してより多くのオブジェクトを作成できるようになりました。そのようなオブジェクトは、義肢や臓器から宝石にまで及びます。このテクノロジーに投資する際に欠かせないのは、多様性です。
これらは、3D プリンターに投資する理由のほんの一部です。 多くの企業にとって非常に有利なものです。しかし、あなたの engoque がビジネス用ではない場合、個人ユーザーとして、大企業や天文学的な投資を必要とせずに 3D プリンターでお金を稼ぐ方法がいくつかあります.
3D プリンターでお金を稼ぐためのヒント
以下に、この市場に参入するための 5 つのヒントを示します:
<オール>What are the most promising sectors for the 3D printing market?
The engineers are specific professionals who act in certain branch in the market. However, no matter how specific its area of action, 3D printing can greatly benefit its services, since it can print spare parts for its products, models to show its projects to clients and even allows the creation of prototypes for presentations and samples
One of the main uses for a 3D printer in this area is the printing of ready-to-use parts in the production of certain products such as electronic components, gear printing, lace and parts with the function of complementing or integrating the internal (or even external) part. ) of some product.
The engineering companies that most use 3D printing would be:electronic engineering, computing, mechatronics, civil engineering, production and automation.
The possibility of printing models instantly to present to their clients is an interesting differential value for architectural professionals.
Contrary to what many professionals believe, it is not necessary to invest in an absurdly large and expensive 3D printer model for that purpose. You can choose a model with better cost-benefit and manually make the final adjustments in the printed model.
The use of 3D printing in the medicinal area is still in an initial phase, but it is undoubtedly a sector with a lot of potential for 3D printing.
For doctors, dentists or veterinarians, the possibility of printing prostheses under measure in a short period of time to treat their patients is something very desired in these and many other branches of medicine.
Pieces in plaster made from shapes are becoming obsolete to give place to pieces made of biocompatible materials with our organism, little invasive with the human and animal body, and with very reduced manufacturing times.
Arts and fashion
Artists and stylists are already using 3D printers to print their sculptures, jewelry, shoes, pieces of clothing, etc.
These professionals can also work with the post-printing of the piece, giving adjustments and adjustments to adapt them to the requirements of their clients.
Space research
NASA has tried to send 3D printers into space, mainly because of its ability to replicate replacement parts for aircraft in space in record time.
Instead of making the pieces here on Earth and sending them to the orbiting aircraft, the idea is to send only the material needed to print the piece in space by 3D printing.
Conclusion:A bit about the 3D printing market
According to a study conducted by Markets and Markets, the 3D printing market will move close to 32.7 billion per year until 2023, growing close to 25% annually.
Undoubtedly, these figures are excellent and open doors for a series of improvements, refinements and innovations within this area, taking into account that it is a growing technology and that it is far from its high point yet.
If you are thinking about betting on 3D printing for your company, the best time to start is now, while the market is not yet well established. Thus, by learning and taking advantage of the innovations that are emerging, you will be able to take advantage of its maximum present and future potential of this technology that will revolutionize many sectors.