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- このプロジェクトは、元のキーボード切り替えが機能しなくなるようにオルガンを変更します。
- 古い器官の中には、危険な可能性のある電気部品があります。常にプラグを抜いた状態で作業し、このプロジェクトに安全に取り組むための経験とスキルを持っていることを確認してください。疑問がある場合は、このプロジェクトを試みる前に、資格のある地元の電子技術者に相談してください。
- 古い臓器内のコンポーネントは非常に古く、誤動作の危機に瀕していることが多いため、変更を加えると臓器が損傷する可能性があります。ここに記載されている指示に従うことはユーザーの自己責任で行われ、この記事の著者は、これらの指示に従おうとした結果として臓器、機器、または人に生じたいかなる損害についても責任を負いません。
- 私の最初に投稿されたコードは、変更したいオルガンに、ディスクリートスイッチとダイオードがすでに配置されたマトリックスキーボードがすでにあることを前提としています。その最初のバージョンを投稿して以来、私はバスキーボードのデザインで動作するコードも開発しました。指示に従って、該当するバージョンのコードを使用してください(MatrixedとBussed)。ただし、どちらの設計でも、すべてのスイッチにダイオードを接続する必要があります。これらは安価に入手できます。ただし、Arduino Megaにアップロードされるコードは、マトリックスデザインとバスデザインで異なります。
- この例でミディファイされた特定のオルガンには、キーボード用のノーマルオープン(NO)スイッチと、ペダル用のノーマルクローズスイッチ(NC)があります。マルチメーターを使用して、変換しようとしているオルガンのスイッチの種類を確認できます。スイッチの種類がこのオルガンで行われたものと異なる場合は、スイッチの種類に合わせてコードを変更する必要があります(コードに示されている例)
- オルガンを開いてキーボードとペダルボードの接点にアクセスする方法を見つけ、オルガン内にArduinoを取り付けるのに適した場所を探します。 Arduinoに電力を供給し、Midiプラグを取り付けるために、ドリルで穴を開けたり、プラグを取り付けたりする必要がある場合があります。この例では、Arduinoに電力を供給するために、3極電源プラグが臓器内の小さな電源ボックスに配線され、穴が開けられ、MidiDINプラグが穴に取り付けられました。
- ここに示されている特定のオルガンには、6x11マトリックスの2つのキーボードと、6x7マトリックスのペダルボードがありました。マトリックスルートを計画していて、特定の臓器にすでに8x8マトリックスがある場合は、コードと配線を8x8マトリックスに合わせて変更するか、元のマトリックスを再配線して6x11マトリックスをサポートする必要があります。
-私のArduinoMegaには、オルガンの木に取り付けるための小さなプラスチックプレートが付属していました。小さな#4木ネジと#4小ネジでArduinoをプレートに取り付けました。 Arduinoを最初に配置して、各ケーブルに必要な長さを見積もることができるようにすることをお勧めします。この時点で、Arduinoに電力を供給する方法も見つけることができます。
<図>
バスキーボードコードでは、各スイッチの非バス側にダイオードをはんだ付けし、これをケーブルの10本のワイヤの1つにはんだ付けし、6本のケーブルごとに繰り返し、最後のワイヤに対して繰り返す必要があります。 (#61)
<図>
-USBケーブルをArduinoからコンピューターに接続し、Arduinoソフトウェアがコンピューターにインストールされていることを確認します。自分に適用されるコードのバージョンを選択します(MatrixedとBussed)。 Arduinoソフトウェアを実行し、提供されたコードをコピーして新しい空白のスケッチに貼り付けます。 ArduinoがUSBシリアル経由で接続されていることを確認し、スケッチの上部にある[アップロード]ボタンをクリックします。
- まだ行っていない場合は、MIDIアダプターをコンピューターに接続し、オルガンMIDI出力をMIDIアダプターに接続します。
- ソフトウェアを使用してMIDI信号を監視し、キーを押したときに各キーとペダルが適切なMIDIメッセージを送信することを確認し、各キーを押します。
- コンピュータに接続せずに使用する場合は、Arduinoの電源ポートに小さな5V電源を接続するか、使用したUSBケーブルの端にUSB電源プラグを接続して接続します。 Arduinoに電力を供給するために壁のコンセントに接続します。
- バスキーボード用に投稿されたコードはまだテストされていませんが、機能することが期待されています。バスコードを試し、問題が見つかった場合は、コメントに投稿してください。
- バスバージョンのコードでは、正しく機能するためにダイオードが必要であることに注意してください。また、ダイオードをスイッチにはんだ付けする場合は、負極をスイッチに向けてダイオードをはんだ付けすることが重要です。マトリックス設計の場合、ダイオードの負極はスイッチから離れている必要があります。
- バスデザインを追加するほかに、元のデザインとコードを更新して、エクスプレッションペダルで使用されるようなポテンショメータを含めました。
- バスデザインがピン13で正しく機能するには、Arduinoの内蔵LEDをなんらかの方法で無効にする必要があります。これを行うには、2つのはんだごてを使用して取り外すか、先端の細いペンチを使用して慎重に押しつぶします。
- バスデザインは、バスキーボードを備えた多くのオルガンで機能しますが、バスが「リン青銅」素材でできている場合は、確実に機能しない可能性があります。 1つのマニュアルのすべてのバスを一緒に配線し、1つのキーのすべての接点を一緒に配線すると、断続的な接触を防ぐのに役立ちますが、リン青銅のバスバーの場合は、12Vキーイングを使用することをお勧めします(このプロジェクトでは不可能です)する)。
ポテンショメータ用の式ペダルハードウェア <図>

ロッドがスライドする白いブロックは、ロボット部品サプライヤーから購入したPFTEブロックです。ホビーソーを使用して大きなピースを切り取り、電気ドリルと異なるサイズのドリルビットを使用して3つの穴を開けました。 PFTEブロックは小ネジを使用してアクリルブラケットに取り付けられました。
-アクリルシートの包装を解き、直定規とホビーナイフを使用して、シートの両側を3 "x 4.5"の長方形に切り込み、スコアラインに沿ってひびを入れ、ベンチトップバイスとペンチを使用して切り取ります(必ず目の保護を使用するために!)。また、3 "x 0.5"のピース、および2.4 "x0.3"のピースをカットします。
-ホビーソーを使用してテフロンブロックを端から約3/4インチ切り取り、3インチx1.5インチx3 / 4インチのブロックを作成します。
-アイスキャンデーの棒を使用していくつかのスクラップ段ボールにJB溶接を混合し、次にアクリルシートの準備された表面に適用します。 3x0.5インチの部品を追加し、次にJB溶接を追加し、次にポテンショメータを追加して、JB溶接が研磨された表面に取り付けられていることを確認します。小さな木製のクランプでアセンブリをそっとクランプし、24時間放置して硬化させます。
-テフロンブロックの一方の3 / 4x3インチ側からもう一方の側にブロック内にある間にビットを動かして、1/4インチのドリルビットを使用して1/4インチより少し大きい穴を開けます。アルミロッドの線がポテンショメータの動きの線と一致するようにドリルで穴を開けます。
Arduino Project Hubには、ここに投稿や質問の通知がないようです。質問へのより迅速な回答をご希望の場合は、このフォーラムページに投稿してください。通知が届きます。
- マトリックス化されたキーボードコード
- Bussedキーボードコード
マトリックスキーボードコード Arduino
マトリックスキーボードの回路図に従っているときにArduinoにアップロードするコード。//名前:Arduino Mega Midi Controller v21 //作成日:2021年2月4日//作成者:Larason2 //謝辞:Bald Engineer、Amanda Ghassaei、jeffb42 、GrumpyMikebyte keysA [11] [6]; byte keysB [11] [6]; byte keysC [7] [6]; byte lastA [11] [6]; byte lastB [11] [6]; byte lastC [7 ] [6]; int noteOn1 =144; int noteOff1 =128; int noteOn2 =145; int noteOff2 =129; int noteOn3 =146; int noteOff3 =130; int速度=100; int chan6 =181; int chan7 =182; int Exp =11; int LastPot6 =1; int LastPot7 =1; void setup(){//シリアルSerial.begin(31250);を開始します。 //キーボードAを初期化しますpinMode(2、INPUT); pinMode(22、INPUT); pinMode(24、INPUT); pinMode(26、INPUT); pinMode(28、INPUT); pinMode(30、INPUT); pinMode(32、INPUT); pinMode(34、INPUT); pinMode(36、INPUT); pinMode(38、INPUT); pinMode(40、INPUT); pinMode(42、INPUT); pinMode(44、INPUT); pinMode(46、INPUT); pinMode(48、INPUT); pinMode(50、INPUT); pinMode(52、INPUT); //キーボードBを初期化しますpinMode(3、INPUT); pinMode(23、INPUT); pinMode(25、INPUT); pinMode(27、INPUT); pinMode(29、INPUT); pinMode(31、INPUT); pinMode(33、INPUT); pinMode(35、INPUT); pinMode(37、INPUT); pinMode(39、INPUT); pinMode(41、INPUT); pinMode(43、INPUT); pinMode(45、INPUT); pinMode(47、INPUT); pinMode(49、INPUT); pinMode(51、INPUT); pinMode(52、INPUT); //キーボードCを初期化しますpinMode(A2、INPUT); pinMode(A3、INPUT); pinMode(A4、INPUT); pinMode(A5、INPUT); pinMode(A6、INPUT); pinMode(A7、INPUT); pinMode(A8、INPUT); pinMode(A9、INPUT); pinMode(A10、INPUT); pinMode(A11、INPUT); pinMode(A12、INPUT); pinMode(A13、INPUT); pinMode(A14、INPUT);} void loop(){//キーボードAを読み取るpinMode(22、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(24、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(26、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(28、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(30、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(2、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(32、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(32、LOW); keysA [0] [0] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(32、INPUT); pinMode(34、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(34、LOW); keysA [1] [0] =digitalRead(22); keysA [1] [1] =digitalRead(24); keysA [1] [2] =digitalRead(26); keysA [1] [3] =digitalRead(28); keysA [1] [4] =digitalRead(30); keysA [1] [5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(34、INPUT); pinMode(36、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(36、LOW); keysA [2] [0] =digitalRead(22); keysA [2] [1] =digitalRead(24); keysA [2] [2] =digitalRead(26); keysA [2] [3] =digitalRead(28); keysA [2] [4] =digitalRead(30); keysA [2] [5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(36、INPUT); pinMode(38、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(38、LOW); keysA [3] [0] =digitalRead(22); keysA [3] [1] =digitalRead(24); keysA [3] [2] =digitalRead(26); keysA [3] [3] =digitalRead(28); keysA [3] [4] =digitalRead(30); keysA [3] [5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(38、INPUT); pinMode(40、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(40、LOW); keysA [4] [0] =digitalRead(22); keysA [4] [1] =digitalRead(24); keysA [4] [2] =digitalRead(26); keysA [4] [3] =digitalRead(28); keysA [4] [4] =digitalRead(30); keysA [4] [5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(40、INPUT); pinMode(42、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(42、LOW); keysA [5] [0] =digitalRead(22); keysA [5] [1] =digitalRead(24); keysA [5] [2] =digitalRead(26); keysA [5] [3] =digitalRead(28); keysA [5] [4] =digitalRead(30); keysA [5] [5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(42、INPUT); pinMode(44、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(44、LOW); keysA [6] [0] =digitalRead(22); keysA [6] [1] =digitalRead(24); keysA [6] [2] =digitalRead(26); keysA [6] [3] =digitalRead(28); keysA [6] [4] =digitalRead(30); keysA [6] [5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(44、INPUT); pinMode(46、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(46、LOW); keysA [7] [0] =digitalRead(22); keysA [7] [1] =digitalRead(24); keysA [7] [2] =digitalRead(26); keysA [7] [3] =digitalRead(28); keysA [7] [4] =digitalRead(30); keysA [7] [5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(46、INPUT); pinMode(48、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(48、LOW); keysA [8] [0] =digitalRead(22); keysA [8] [1] =digitalRead(24); keysA [8] [2] =digitalRead(26); keysA [8] [3] =digitalRead(28); keysA [8] [4] =digitalRead(30); keysA [8] [5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(48、INPUT); pinMode(50、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(50、LOW); keysA [9] [0] =digitalRead(22); keysA [9] [1] =digitalRead(24); keysA [9] [2] =digitalRead(26); keysA [9] [3] =digitalRead(28); keysA [9] [4] =digitalRead(30); keysA [9] [5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(50、INPUT); pinMode(52、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(52、LOW); keysA [10] [0] =digitalRead(22); keysA [10] [1] =digitalRead(24); keysA [10] [2] =digitalRead(26); keysA [10] [3] =digitalRead(28); keysA [10] [4] =digitalRead(30); keysA [10] [5] =digitalRead(2); pinMode(52、INPUT); pinMode(22、INPUT); pinMode(24、INPUT); pinMode(26、INPUT); pinMode(28、INPUT); pinMode(30、INPUT); pinMode(2、INPUT); //キーボードBを読み取りますpinMode(23、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(25、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(27、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(29、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(31、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(3、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(33、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(33、LOW); keysB [0] [0] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(33、INPUT); pinMode(35、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(35、LOW); keysB [1] [0] =digitalRead(23); keysB [1] [1] =digitalRead(25); keysB [1] [2] =digitalRead(27); keysB [1] [3] =digitalRead(29); keysB [1] [4] =digitalRead(31); keysB [1] [5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(35、INPUT); pinMode(37、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(37、LOW); keysB [2] [0] =digitalRead(23); keysB [2] [1] =digitalRead(25); keysB [2] [2] =digitalRead(27); keysB [2] [3] =digitalRead(29); keysB [2] [4] =digitalRead(31); keysB [2] [5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(37、INPUT); pinMode(39、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(39、LOW); keysB [3] [0] =digitalRead(23); keysB [3] [1] =digitalRead(25); keysB [3] [2] =digitalRead(27); keysB [3] [3] =digitalRead(29); keysB [3] [4] =digitalRead(31); keysB [3] [5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(39、INPUT); pinMode(41、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(41、LOW); keysB [4] [0] =digitalRead(23); keysB [4] [1] =digitalRead(25); keysB [4] [2] =digitalRead(27); keysB [4] [3] =digitalRead(29); keysB [4] [4] =digitalRead(31); keysB [4] [5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(41、INPUT); pinMode(43、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(43、LOW); keysB [5] [0] =digitalRead(23); keysB [5] [1] =digitalRead(25); keysB [5] [2] =digitalRead(27); keysB [5] [3] =digitalRead(29); keysB [5] [4] =digitalRead(31); keysB [5] [5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(43、INPUT); pinMode(45、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(45、LOW); keysB [6] [0] =digitalRead(23); keysB [6] [1] =digitalRead(25); keysB [6] [2] =digitalRead(27); keysB [6] [3] =digitalRead(29); keysB [6] [4] =digitalRead(31); keysB [6] [5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(45、INPUT); pinMode(47、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(47、LOW); keysB [7] [0] =digitalRead(23); keysB [7] [1] =digitalRead(25); keysB [7] [2] =digitalRead(27); keysB [7] [3] =digitalRead(29); keysB [7] [4] =digitalRead(31); keysB [7] [5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(47、INPUT); pinMode(49、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(49、LOW); keysB [8] [0] =digitalRead(23); keysB [8] [1] =digitalRead(25); keysB [8] [2] =digitalRead(27); keysB [8] [3] =digitalRead(29); keysB [8] [4] =digitalRead(31); keysB [8] [5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(49、INPUT); pinMode(51、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(51、LOW); keysB [9] [0] =digitalRead(23); keysB [9] [1] =digitalRead(25); keysB [9] [2] =digitalRead(27); keysB [9] [3] =digitalRead(29); keysB [9] [4] =digitalRead(31); keysB [9] [5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(51、INPUT); pinMode(53、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(53、LOW); keysB [10] [0] =digitalRead(23); keysB [10] [1] =digitalRead(25); keysB [10] [2] =digitalRead(27); keysB [10] [3] =digitalRead(29); keysB [10] [4] =digitalRead(31); keysB [10] [5] =digitalRead(3); pinMode(53、INPUT); pinMode(23、INPUT); pinMode(25、INPUT); pinMode(27、INPUT); pinMode(29、INPUT); pinMode(31、INPUT); pinMode(3、INPUT); //キーボードCを読み取ります//行ピンを読み取りに設定しますpinMode(A3、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A4、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A5、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A6、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A7、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A2、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A8、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A8、LOW); keysC [0] [0] =digitalRead(A2); pinMode(A8、INPUT); pinMode(A9、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A9、LOW); keysC [1] [0] =digitalRead(A3); keysC [1] [1] =digitalRead(A4); keysC [1] [2] =digitalRead(A5); keysC [1] [3] =digitalRead(A6); keysC [1] [4] =digitalRead(A7); keysC [1] [5] =digitalRead(A2); pinMode(A9、INPUT); pinMode(A10、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A10、LOW); keysC [2] [0] =digitalRead(A3); keysC [2] [1] =digitalRead(A4); keysC [2] [2] =digitalRead(A5); keysC [2] [3] =digitalRead(A6); keysC [2] [4] =digitalRead(A7); keysC [2] [5] =digitalRead(A2); pinMode(A10、INPUT); pinMode(A11、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A11、LOW); keysC [3] [0] =digitalRead(A3); keysC [3] [1] =digitalRead(A4); keysC [3] [2] =digitalRead(A5); keysC [3] [3] =digitalRead(A6); keysC [3] [4] =digitalRead(A7); keysC [3] [5] =digitalRead(A2); pinMode(A11、INPUT); pinMode(A12、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A12、LOW); keysC [4] [0] =digitalRead(A3); keysC [4] [1] =digitalRead(A4); keysC [4] [2] =digitalRead(A5); keysC [4] [3] =digitalRead(A6); keysC [4] [4] =digitalRead(A7); keysC [4] [5] =digitalRead(A2); pinMode(A12、INPUT); pinMode(A13、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A13、LOW); keysC [5] [0] =digitalRead(A3); keysC [5] [1] =digitalRead(A4); keysC [5] [2] =digitalRead(A5); keysC [5] [3] =digitalRead(A6); keysC [5] [4] =digitalRead(A7); keysC [5] [5] =digitalRead(A2); pinMode(A13、INPUT); pinMode(A14、OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A14、LOW); keysC [6] [0] =digitalRead(A3); pinMode(A14、INPUT); pinMode(A3、INPUT); pinMode(A4、INPUT); pinMode(A5、INPUT); pinMode(A6、INPUT); pinMode(A7、INPUT); pinMode(A2、INPUT); //キーボードCデータを反転します//(通常は閉じているスイッチの場合)//列1 if(keysC [0] [0] ==0){keysC [0] [0] =1; } else if(keysC [0] [0] ==1){keysC [0] [0] =0; } //列2if(keysC [1] [0] ==0){keysC [1] [0] =1; } else if(keysC [1] [0] ==1){keysC [1] [0] =0; } if(keysC [1] [1] ==0){keysC [1] [1] =1; } else if(keysC [1] [1] ==1){keysC [1] [1] =0; } if(keysC [1] [2] ==0){keysC [1] [2] =1; } else if(keysC [1] [2] ==1){keysC [1] [2] =0; } if(keysC [1] [3] ==0){keysC [1] [3] =1; } else if(keysC [1] [3] ==1){keysC [1] [3] =0; } if(keysC [1] [4] ==0){keysC [1] [4] =1; } else if(keysC [1] [4] ==1){keysC [1] [4] =0; } if(keysC [1] [5] ==0){keysC [1] [5] =1; } else if(keysC [1] [5] ==1){keysC [1] [5] =0; } //列3if(keysC [2] [0] ==0){keysC [2] [0] =1; } else if(keysC [2] [0] ==1){keysC [2] [0] =0; } if(keysC [2] [1] ==0){keysC [2] [1] =1; } else if(keysC [2] [1] ==1){keysC [2] [1] =0; } if(keysC [2] [2] ==0){keysC [2] [2] =1; } else if(keysC [2] [2] ==1){keysC [2] [2] =0; } if(keysC [2] [3] ==0){keysC [2] [3] =1; } else if(keysC [2] [3] ==1){keysC [2] [3] =0; } if(keysC [2] [4] ==0){keysC [2] [4] =1; } else if(keysC [2] [4] ==1){keysC [2] [4] =0; } if(keysC [2] [5] ==0){keysC [2] [5] =1; } else if(keysC [2] [5] ==1){keysC [2] [5] =0; } //列4if(keysC [3] [0] ==0){keysC [3] [0] =1; } else if(keysC [3] [0] ==1){keysC [3] [0] =0; } if(keysC [3] [1] ==0){keysC [3] [1] =1; } else if(keysC [3] [1] ==1){keysC [3] [1] =0; } if(keysC [3] [2] ==0){keysC [3] [2] =1; } else if(keysC [3] [2] ==1){keysC [3] [2] =0; } if(keysC [3] [3] ==0){keysC [3] [3] =1; } else if(keysC [3] [3] ==1){keysC [3] [3] =0; } if(keysC [3] [4] ==0){keysC [3] [4] =1; } else if(keysC [3] [4] ==1){keysC [3] [4] =0; } if(keysC [3] [5] ==0){keysC [3] [5] =1; } else if(keysC [3] [5] ==1){keysC [3] [5] =0; } //列5if(keysC [4] [0] ==0){keysC [4] [0] =1; } else if(keysC [4] [0] ==1){keysC [4] [0] =0; } if(keysC [4] [1] ==0){keysC [4] [1] =1; } else if(keysC [4] [1] ==1){keysC [4] [1] =0; } if(keysC [4] [2] ==0){keysC [4] [2] =1; } else if(keysC [4] [2] ==1){keysC [4] [2] =0; } if(keysC [4] [3] ==0){keysC [4] [3] =1; } else if(keysC [4] [3] ==1){keysC [4] [3] =0; } if(keysC [4] [4] ==0){keysC [4] [4] =1; } else if(keysC [4] [4] ==1){keysC [4] [4] =0; } if(keysC [4] [5] ==0){keysC [4] [5] =1; } else if(keysC [4] [5] ==1){keysC [4] [5] =0; } //列6if(keysC [5] [0] ==0){keysC [5] [0] =1; } else if(keysC [5] [0] ==1){keysC [5] [0] =0; } if(keysC [5] [1] ==0){keysC [5] [1] =1; } else if(keysC [5] [1] ==1){keysC [5] [1] =0; } if(keysC [5] [2] ==0){keysC [5] [2] =1; } else if(keysC [5] [2] ==1){keysC [5] [2] =0; } if(keysC [5] [3] ==0){keysC [5] [3] =1; } else if(keysC [5] [3] ==1){keysC [5] [3] =0; } if(keysC [5] [4] ==0){keysC [5] [4] =1; } else if(keysC [5] [4] ==1){keysC [5] [4] =0; } if(keysC [5] [5] ==0){keysC [5] [5] =1; } else if(keysC [5] [5] ==1){keysC [5] [5] =0; } //列7if(keysC [6] [0] ==0){keysC [6] [0] =1; } else if(keysC [6] [0] ==1){keysC [6] [0] =0; } //キーボードAを書き込む// A36 if((keysA [0] [0] ==0)and(lastA [0] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、36、velocity); lastA [0] [0] =7; } if((keysA [0] [0] ==1)and(lastA [0] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、36、velocity); lastA [0] [0] =0; } // A37 if((keysA [1] [0] ==0)and(lastA [1] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、37、velocity); lastA [1] [0] =7; } if((keysA [1] [0] ==1)and(lastA [1] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、37、velocity); lastA [1] [0] =0; } // A38 if((keysA [1] [1] ==0)and(lastA [1] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、38、velocity); lastA [1] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [1] [1] ==1)and(lastA [1] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、38、velocity); lastA [1] [1] =0; } // A39 if((keysA [1] [2] ==0)and(lastA [1] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、39、velocity); lastA [1] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [1] [2] ==1)and(lastA [1] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、39、velocity); lastA [1] [2] =0; } // A40 if((keysA [1] [3] ==0)and(lastA [1] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、40、velocity); lastA [1] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [1] [3] ==1)and(lastA [1] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、40、velocity); lastA [1] [3] =0; } // A41 if((keysA [1] [4] ==0)and(lastA [1] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、41、velocity); lastA [1] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [1] [4] ==1)and(lastA [1] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、41、velocity); lastA [1] [4] =0; } // A42 if((keysA [1] [5] ==0)and(lastA [1] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、42、velocity); lastA [1] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [1] [5] ==1)and(lastA [1] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、42、velocity); lastA [1] [5] =0; } // A43 if((keysA [2] [0] ==0)and(lastA [2] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、43、velocity); lastA [2] [0] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [2] [0] ==1)and(lastA [2] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、43、velocity); lastA [2] [0] =0; } // A44 if((keysA [2] [1] ==0)and(lastA [2] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、44、velocity); lastA [2] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [2] [1] ==1)and(lastA [2] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、44、velocity); lastA [2] [1] =0; } // A45 if((keysA [2] [2] ==0)and(lastA [2] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、45、velocity); lastA [2] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [2] [2] ==1)and(lastA [2] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、45、velocity); lastA [2] [2] =0; } // A46 if((keysA [2] [3] ==0)and(lastA [2] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、46、velocity); lastA [2] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [2] [3] ==1)and(lastA [2] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、46、velocity); lastA [2] [3] =0; } // A47 if((keysA [2] [4] ==0)and(lastA [2] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、47、velocity); lastA [2] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [2] [4] ==1)and(lastA [2] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、47、velocity); lastA [2] [4] =0; } // A48 if((keysA [2] [5] ==0)and(lastA [2] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、48、velocity); lastA [2] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [2] [5] ==1)and(lastA [2] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、48、velocity); lastA [2] [5] =0; } // A49 if((keysA [3] [0] ==0)and(lastA [3] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、49、velocity); lastA [3] [0] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [3] [0] ==1)and(lastA [3] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、49、velocity); lastA [3] [0] =0; } // A50 if((keysA [3] [1] ==0)and(lastA [3] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、50、velocity); lastA [3] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [3] [1] ==1)and(lastA [3] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、50、velocity); lastA [3] [1] =0; } // A51 if((keysA [3] [2] ==0)and(lastA [3] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、51、velocity); lastA [3] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [3] [2] ==1)and(lastA [3] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、51、velocity); lastA [3] [2] =0; } // A52 if((keysA [3] [3] ==0)and(lastA [3] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、52、velocity); lastA [3] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [3] [3] ==1)and(lastA [3] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、52、velocity); lastA [3] [3] =0; } // A53 if((keysA [3] [4] ==0)and(lastA [3] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、53、velocity); lastA [3] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [3] [4] ==1)and(lastA [3] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、53、velocity); lastA [3] [4] =0; } // A54 if((keysA [3] [5] ==0)and(lastA [3] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、54、velocity); lastA [3] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [3] [5] ==1)and(lastA [3] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、54、velocity); lastA [3] [5] =0; } // A55 if((keysA [4] [0] ==0)and(lastA [4] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、55、velocity); lastA [4] [0] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [4] [0] ==1)and(lastA [4] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、55、velocity); lastA [4] [0] =0; } // A56 if((keysA [4] [1] ==0)and(lastA [4] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、56、velocity); lastA [4] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [4] [1] ==1)and(lastA [4] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、56、velocity); lastA [4] [1] =0; } // A57 if((keysA [4] [2] ==0)and(lastA [4] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、57、velocity); lastA [4] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [4] [2] ==1)and(lastA [4] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、57、velocity); lastA [4] [2] =0; } // A58 if((keysA [4] [3] ==0)and(lastA [4] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、58、velocity); lastA [4] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [4] [3] ==1)and(lastA [4] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、58、velocity); lastA [4] [3] =0; } // 59 if((keysA [4] [4] ==0)and(lastA [4] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、59、velocity); lastA [4] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [4] [4] ==1)and(lastA [4] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、59、velocity); lastA [4] [4] =0; } // A60 if((keysA [4] [5] ==0)and(lastA [4] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、60、velocity); lastA [4] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [4] [5] ==1)and(lastA [4] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、60、velocity); lastA [4] [5] =0; } // A61 if((keysA [5] [0] ==0)and(lastA [5] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、61、velocity); lastA [5] [0] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [5] [0] ==1)and(lastA [5] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、61、velocity); lastA [5] [0] =0; } // A62 if((keysA [5] [1] ==0)and(lastA [5] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、62、velocity); lastA [5] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [5] [1] ==1)and(lastA [5] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、62、velocity); lastA [5] [1] =0; } // A63 if((keysA [5] [2] ==0)and(lastA [5] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、63、velocity); lastA [5] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [5] [2] ==1)and(lastA [5] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、63、velocity); lastA [5] [2] =0; } // A64 if((keysA [5] [3] ==0)and(lastA [5] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、64、velocity); lastA [5] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [5] [3] ==1)and(lastA [5] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、64、velocity); lastA [5] [3] =0; } // A65 if((keysA [5] [4] ==0)and(lastA [5] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、65、velocity); lastA [5] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [5] [4] ==1)and(lastA [5] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、65、velocity); lastA [5] [4] =0; } // A66 if((keysA [5] [5] ==0)and(lastA [5] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、66、velocity); lastA [5] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [5] [5] ==1)and(lastA [5] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、66、velocity); lastA [5] [5] =0; } // A67 if((keysA [6] [0] ==0)and(lastA [6] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、67、velocity); lastA [6] [0] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [6] [0] ==1)and(lastA [6] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、67、velocity); lastA [6] [0] =0; } // A68 if((keysA [6] [1] ==0)and(lastA [6] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、68、velocity); lastA [6] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [6] [1] ==1)and(lastA [6] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、68、velocity); lastA [6] [1] =0; } // A69 if((keysA [6] [2] ==0)and(lastA [6] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、69、velocity); lastA [6] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [6] [2] ==1)and(lastA [6] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、69、velocity); lastA [6] [2] =0; } // A70 if((keysA [6] [3] ==0)and(lastA [6] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、70、velocity); lastA [6] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [6] [3] ==1)and(lastA [6] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、70、velocity); lastA [6] [3] =0; } // A71 if((keysA [6] [4] ==0)and(lastA [6] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、71、velocity); lastA [6] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [6] [4] ==1)and(lastA [6] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、71、velocity); lastA [6] [4] =0; } // A72 if((keysA [6] [5] ==0)and(lastA [6] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、72、velocity); lastA [6] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [6] [5] ==1)and(lastA [6] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、72、velocity); lastA [6] [5] =0; } // A73 if((keysA [7] [0] ==0)and(lastA [7] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、73、velocity); lastA [7] [0] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [7] [0] ==1)and(lastA [7] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、73、velocity); lastA [7] [0] =0; } // A74 if((keysA [7] [1] ==0)and(lastA [7] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、74、velocity); lastA [7] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [7] [1] ==1)and(lastA [7] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、74、velocity); lastA [7] [1] =0; } // A75 if((keysA [7] [2] ==0)and(lastA [7] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、75、velocity); lastA [7] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [7] [2] ==1)and(lastA [7] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、75、velocity); lastA [7] [2] =0; } // A76 if((keysA [7] [3] ==0)and(lastA [7] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、76、velocity); lastA [7] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [7] [3] ==1)and(lastA [7] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、76、velocity); lastA [7] [3] =0; } // A77 if((keysA [7] [4] ==0)and(lastA [7] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、77、velocity); lastA [7] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [7] [4] ==1)and(lastA [7] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、77、velocity); lastA [7] [4] =0; } // A78 if((keysA [7] [5] ==0)and(lastA [7] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、78、velocity); lastA [7] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [7] [5] ==1)and(lastA [7] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、78、velocity); lastA [7] [5] =0; } // A79 if((keysA [8] [0] ==0)and(lastA [8] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、79、velocity); lastA [8] [0] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [8] [0] ==1)and(lastA [8] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、79、velocity); lastA [8] [0] =0; } // A80 if((keysA [8] [1] ==0)and(lastA [8] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、80、velocity); lastA [8] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [8] [1] ==1)and(lastA [8] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、80、velocity); lastA [8] [1] =0; } // A81 if((keysA [8] [2] ==0)and(lastA [8] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、81、velocity); lastA [8] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [8] [2] ==1)and(lastA [8] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、81、velocity); lastA [8] [2] =0; } // A82 if((keysA [8] [3] ==0)and(lastA [8] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、82、velocity); lastA [8] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [8] [3] ==1)and(lastA [8] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、82、velocity); lastA [8] [3] =0; } // A83 if((keysA [8] [4] ==0)and(lastA [8] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、83、velocity); lastA [8] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [8] [4] ==1)and(lastA [8] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、83、velocity); lastA [8] [4] =0; } // A84 if((keysA [8] [5] ==0)and(lastA [8] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、84、velocity); lastA [8] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [8] [5] ==1)and(lastA [8] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、84、velocity); lastA [8] [5] =0; } // A85 if((keysA [9] [0] ==0)and(lastA [9] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、85、velocity); lastA [9] [0] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [9] [0] ==1)and(lastA [9] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、85、velocity); lastA [9] [0] =0; } // A86 if((keysA [9] [1] ==0)and(lastA [9] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、86、velocity); lastA [9] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [9] [1] ==1)and(lastA [9] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、86、velocity); lastA [9] [1] =0; } // A87 if((keysA [9] [2] ==0)and(lastA [9] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、87、velocity); lastA [9] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [9] [2] ==1)and(lastA [9] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、87、velocity); lastA [9] [2] =0; } // A88 if((keysA [9] [3] ==0)and(lastA [9] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、88、velocity); lastA [9] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [9] [3] ==1)and(lastA [9] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、88、velocity); lastA [9] [3] =0; } // A89 if((keysA [9] [4] ==0)and(lastA [9] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、89、velocity); lastA [9] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [9] [4] ==1)and(lastA [9] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、89、velocity); lastA [9] [4] =0; } // A90 if((keysA [9] [5] ==0)and(lastA [9] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、90、velocity); lastA [9] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [9] [5] ==1)and(lastA [9] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、90、velocity); lastA [9] [5] =0; } // A91 if((keysA [10] [0] ==0)and(lastA [10] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、91、velocity); lastA [10] [0] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [10] [0] ==1)and(lastA [10] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、91、velocity); lastA [10] [0] =0; } // A92 if((keysA [10] [1] ==0)and(lastA [10] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、92、velocity); lastA [10] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [10] [1] ==1)and(lastA [10] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、92、velocity); lastA [10] [1] =0; } // A93 if((keysA [10] [2] ==0)and(lastA [10] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、93、velocity); lastA [10] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [10] [2] ==1)and(lastA [10] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、93、velocity); lastA [10] [2] =0; } // A94 if((keysA [10] [3] ==0)and(lastA [10] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、94、velocity); lastA [10] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [10] [3] ==1)and(lastA [10] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、94、velocity); lastA [10] [3] =0; } // A95 if((keysA [10] [4] ==0)and(lastA [10] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、95、velocity); lastA [10] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [10] [4] ==1)and(lastA [10] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、95、velocity); lastA [10] [4] =0; } // A96 if((keysA [10] [5] ==0)and(lastA [10] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn1、96、velocity); lastA [10] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysA [10] [5] ==1)and(lastA [10] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff1、96、velocity); lastA [10] [5] =0; } //キーボードBの書き込み// B36 if((keysB [0] [0] ==0)and(lastB [0] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、36、velocity); lastB [0] [0] =7; } if((keysB [0] [0] ==1)and(lastB [0] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、36、velocity); lastB [0] [0] =0; } // B37 if((keysB [1] [0] ==0)and(lastB [1] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、37、velocity); lastB [1] [0] =7; } if((keysB [1] [0] ==1)and(lastB [1] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、37、velocity); lastB [1] [0] =0; } // B38 if((keysB [1] [1] ==0)and(lastB [1] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、38、velocity); lastB [1] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [1] [1] ==1)and(lastB [1] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、38、velocity); lastB [1] [1] =0; } // B39 if((keysB [1] [2] ==0)and(lastB [1] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、39、velocity); lastB [1] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [1] [2] ==1)and(lastB [1] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、39、velocity); lastB [1] [2] =0; } // B40 if((keysB [1] [3] ==0)and(lastB [1] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、40、velocity); lastB [1] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [1] [3] ==1)and(lastB [1] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、40、velocity); lastB [1] [3] =0; } // B41 if((keysB [1] [4] ==0)and(lastB [1] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、41、velocity); lastB [1] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [1] [4] ==1)and(lastB [1] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、41、velocity); lastB [1] [4] =0; } // B42 if((keysB [1] [5] ==0)and(lastB [1] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、42、velocity); lastB [1] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [1] [5] ==1)and(lastB [1] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、42、velocity); lastB [1] [5] =0; } // B43 if((keysB [2] [0] ==0)and(lastB [2] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、43、velocity); lastB [2] [0] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [2] [0] ==1)and(lastB [2] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、43、velocity); lastB [2] [0] =0; } // B44 if((keysB [2] [1] ==0)and(lastB [2] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、44、velocity); lastB [2] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [2] [1] ==1)and(lastB [2] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、44、velocity); lastB [2] [1] =0; } // B45 if((keysB [2] [2] ==0)and(lastB [2] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、45、velocity); lastB [2] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [2] [2] ==1)and(lastB [2] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、45、velocity); lastB [2] [2] =0; } // B46 if((keysB [2] [3] ==0)and(lastB [2] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、46、velocity); lastB [2] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [2] [3] ==1)and(lastB [2] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、46、velocity); lastB [2] [3] =0; } // B47 if((keysB [2] [4] ==0)and(lastB [2] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、47、velocity); lastB [2] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [2] [4] ==1)and(lastB [2] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、47、velocity); lastB [2] [4] =0; } // B48 if((keysB [2] [5] ==0)and(lastB [2] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、48、velocity); lastB [2] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [2] [5] ==1)and(lastB [2] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、48、velocity); lastB [2] [5] =0; } // B49 if((keysB [3] [0] ==0)and(lastB [3] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、49、velocity); lastB [3] [0] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [3] [0] ==1)and(lastB [3] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、49、velocity); lastB [3] [0] =0; } // B50 if((keysB [3] [1] ==0)and(lastB [3] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、50、velocity); lastB [3] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [3] [1] ==1)and(lastB [3] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、50、velocity); lastB [3] [1] =0; } // B51 if((keysB [3] [2] ==0)and(lastB [3] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、51、velocity); lastB [3] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [3] [2] ==1)and(lastB [3] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、51、velocity); lastB [3] [2] =0; } // B52 if((keysB [3] [3] ==0)and(lastB [3] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、52、velocity); lastB [3] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [3] [3] ==1)and(lastB [3] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、52、velocity); lastB [3] [3] =0; } // B53 if((keysB [3] [4] ==0)and(lastB [3] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、53、velocity); lastB [3] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [3] [4] ==1)and(lastB [3] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、53、velocity); lastB [3] [4] =0; } // B54 if((keysB [3] [5] ==0)and(lastB [3] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、54、velocity); lastB [3] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [3] [5] ==1)and(lastB [3] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、54、velocity); lastB [3] [5] =0; } // B55 if((keysB [4] [0] ==0)and(lastB [4] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、55、velocity); lastB [4] [0] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [4] [0] ==1)and(lastB [4] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、55、velocity); lastB [4] [0] =0; } // B56 if((keysB [4] [1] ==0)and(lastB [4] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、56、velocity); lastB [4] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [4] [1] ==1)and(lastB [4] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、56、velocity); lastB [4] [1] =0; } // B57 if((keysB [4] [2] ==0)and(lastB [4] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、57、velocity); lastB [4] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [4] [2] ==1)and(lastB [4] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、57、velocity); lastB [4] [2] =0; } // B58 if((keysB [4] [3] ==0)and(lastB [4] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、58、velocity); lastB [4] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [4] [3] ==1)and(lastB [4] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、58、velocity); lastB [4] [3] =0; } // B59 if((keysB [4] [4] ==0)and(lastB [4] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、59、velocity); lastB [4] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [4] [4] ==1)and(lastB [4] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、59、velocity); lastB [4] [4] =0; } // B60 if((keysB [4] [5] ==0)and(lastB [4] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、60、velocity); lastB [4] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [4] [5] ==1)and(lastB [4] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、60、velocity); lastB [4] [5] =0; } // B61 if((keysB [5] [0] ==0)and(lastB [5] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、61、velocity); lastB [5] [0] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [5] [0] ==1)and(lastB [5] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、61、velocity); lastB [5] [0] =0; } // B62 if((keysB [5] [1] ==0)and(lastB [5] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、62、velocity); lastB [5] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [5] [1] ==1)and(lastB [5] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、62、velocity); lastB [5] [1] =0; } // B63 if((keysB [5] [2] ==0)and(lastB [5] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、63、velocity); lastB [5] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [5] [2] ==1)and(lastB [5] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、63、velocity); lastB [5] [2] =0; } // B64 if((keysB [5] [3] ==0)and(lastB [5] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、64、velocity); lastB [5] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [5] [3] ==1)and(lastB [5] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、64、velocity); lastB [5] [3] =0; } // B65 if((keysB [5] [4] ==0)and(lastB [5] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、65、velocity); lastB [5] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [5] [4] ==1)and(lastB [5] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、65、velocity); lastB [5] [4] =0; } // B66 if((keysB [5] [5] ==0)and(lastB [5] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、66、velocity); lastB [5] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [5] [5] ==1)and(lastB [5] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、66、velocity); lastB [5] [5] =0; } // B67 if((keysB [6] [0] ==0)and(lastB [6] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、67、velocity); lastB [6] [0] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [6] [0] ==1)and(lastB [6] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、67、velocity); lastB [6] [0] =0; } // B68 if((keysB [6] [1] ==0)and(lastB [6] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、68、velocity); lastB [6] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [6] [1] ==1)and(lastB [6] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、68、velocity); lastB [6] [1] =0; } // B69 if((keysB [6] [2] ==0)and(lastB [6] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、69、velocity); lastB [6] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [6] [2] ==1)and(lastB [6] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、69、velocity); lastB [6] [2] =0; } // B70 if((keysB [6] [3] ==0)and(lastB [6] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、70、velocity); lastB [6] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [6] [3] ==1)and(lastB [6] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、70、velocity); lastB [6] [3] =0; } // B71 if((keysB [6] [4] ==0)and(lastB [6] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、71、velocity); lastB [6] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [6] [4] ==1)and(lastB [6] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、71、velocity); lastB [6] [4] =0; } // B72 if((keysB [6] [5] ==0)and(lastB [6] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、72、velocity); lastB [6] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [6] [5] ==1)and(lastB [6] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、72、velocity); lastB [6] [5] =0; } // B73 if((keysB [7] [0] ==0)and(lastB [7] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、73、velocity); lastB [7] [0] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [7] [0] ==1)and(lastB [7] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、73、velocity); lastB [7] [0] =0; } // B74 if((keysB [7] [1] ==0)and(lastB [7] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、74、velocity); lastB [7] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [7] [1] ==1)and(lastB [7] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、74、velocity); lastB [7] [1] =0; } // B75 if((keysB [7] [2] ==0)and(lastB [7] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、75、velocity); lastB [7] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [7] [2] ==1)and(lastB [7] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、75、velocity); lastB [7] [2] =0; } // B76 if((keysB [7] [3] ==0)and(lastB [7] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、76、velocity); lastB [7] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [7] [3] ==1)and(lastB [7] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、76、velocity); lastB [7] [3] =0; } // B77 if((keysB [7] [4] ==0)and(lastB [7] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、77、velocity); lastB [7] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [7] [4] ==1)and(lastB [7] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、77、velocity); lastB [7] [4] =0; } // B78 if((keysB [7] [5] ==0)and(lastB [7] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、78、velocity); lastB [7] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [7] [5] ==1)and(lastB [7] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、78、velocity); lastB [7] [5] =0; } // B79 if((keysB [8] [0] ==0)and(lastB [8] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、79、velocity); lastB [8] [0] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [8] [0] ==1)and(lastB [8] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、79、velocity); lastB [8] [0] =0; } // B80 if((keysB [8] [1] ==0)and(lastB [8] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、80、velocity); lastB [8] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [8] [1] ==1)and(lastB [8] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、80、velocity); lastB [8] [1] =0; } // B81 if((keysB [8] [2] ==0)and(lastB [8] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、81、velocity); lastB [8] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [8] [2] ==1)and(lastB [8] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、81、velocity); lastB [8] [2] =0; } // B82 if((keysB [8] [3] ==0)and(lastB [8] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、82、velocity); lastB [8] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [8] [3] ==1)and(lastB [8] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、82、velocity); lastB [8] [3] =0; } // B83 if((keysB [8] [4] ==0)and(lastB [8] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、83、velocity); lastB [8] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [8] [4] ==1)and(lastB [8] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、83、velocity); lastB [8] [4] =0; } // B84 if((keysB [8] [5] ==0)and(lastB [8] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、84、velocity); lastB [8] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [8] [5] ==1)and(lastB [8] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、84、velocity); lastB [8] [5] =0; } // B85 if((keysB [9] [0] ==0)and(lastB [9] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、85、velocity); lastB [9] [0] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [9] [0] ==1)and(lastB [9] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、85、velocity); lastB [9] [0] =0; } // B86 if((keysB [9] [1] ==0)and(lastB [9] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、86、velocity); lastB [9] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [9] [1] ==1)and(lastB [9] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、86、velocity); lastB [9] [1] =0; } // B87 if((keysB [9] [2] ==0)and(lastB [9] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、87、velocity); lastB [9] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [9] [2] ==1)and(lastB [9] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、87、velocity); lastB [9] [2] =0; } // B88 if((keysB [9] [3] ==0)and(lastB [9] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、88、velocity); lastB [9] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [9] [3] ==1)and(lastB [9] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、88、velocity); lastB [9] [3] =0; } // B89 if((keysB [9] [4] ==0)and(lastB [9] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、89、velocity); lastB [9] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [9] [4] ==1)and(lastB [9] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、89、velocity); lastB [9] [4] =0; } // B90 if((keysB [9] [5] ==0)and(lastB [9] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、90、velocity); lastB [9] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [9] [5] ==1)and(lastB [9] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、90、velocity); lastB [9] [5] =0; } // B91 if((keysB [10] [0] ==0)and(lastB [10] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、91、velocity); lastB [10] [0] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [10] [0] ==1)and(lastB [10] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、91、velocity); lastB [10] [0] =0; } // B92 if((keysB [10] [1] ==0)and(lastB [10] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、92、velocity); lastB [10] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [10] [1] ==1)and(lastB [10] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、92、velocity); lastB [10] [1] =0; } // B93 if((keysB [10] [2] ==0)and(lastB [10] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、93、velocity); lastB [10] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [10] [2] ==1)and(lastB [10] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、93、velocity); lastB [10] [2] =0; } // B94 if((keysB [10] [3] ==0)and(lastB [10] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、94、velocity); lastB [10] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [10] [3] ==1)and(lastB [10] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、94、velocity); lastB [10] [3] =0; } // B95 if((keysB [10] [4] ==0)and(lastB [10] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、95、velocity); lastB [10] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [10] [4] ==1)and(lastB [10] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、95、velocity); lastB [10] [4] =0; } // B96 if((keysB [10] [5] ==0)and(lastB [10] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOn2、96、velocity); lastB [10] [5] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysB [10] [5] ==1)and(lastB [10] [5] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOff2、96、velocity); lastB [10] [5] =0; } //キーボードCの書き込み// C36 if((keysC [0] [0] ==0)and(lastC [0] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOff3、36、velocity); lastC [0] [0] =7; } if((keysC [0] [0] ==1)and(lastC [0] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOn3、36、velocity); lastC [0] [0] =0; } // C37 if((keysC [1] [0] ==0)and(lastC [1] [0] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOff3、37、velocity); lastC [1] [0] =7; } if((keysC [1] [0] ==1)and(lastC [1] [0] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOn3、37、velocity); lastC [1] [0] =0; } // C38 if((keysC [1] [1] ==0)and(lastC [1] [1] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOff3、38、velocity); lastC [1] [1] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysC [1] [1] ==1)and(lastC [1] [1] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOn3、38、velocity); lastC [1] [1] =0; } // C39 if((keysC [1] [2] ==0)and(lastC [1] [2] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOff3、39、velocity); lastC [1] [2] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysC [1] [2] ==1)and(lastC [1] [2] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOn3、39、velocity); lastC [1] [2] =0; } // C40 if((keysC [1] [3] ==0)and(lastC [1] [3] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOff3、40、velocity); lastC [1] [3] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysC [1] [3] ==1)and(lastC [1] [3] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOn3、40、velocity); lastC [1] [3] =0; } // C41 if((keysC [1] [4] ==0)and(lastC [1] [4] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOff3、41、velocity); lastC [1] [4] =7; } // Midi Note Offを書き込むif((keysC [1] [4] ==1)and(lastC [1] [4] ==7)){MidiSend(noteOn3、41、velocity); lastC [1] [4] =0; } // C42 if((keysC [1] [5] ==0)and(lastC [1] [5] ==0)){MidiSend(noteOff3、42、velocity); lastC [1] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][5] ==1) and (lastC[1][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 42, velocity); lastC[1][5] =0; } //C43 if ((keysC[2][0] ==0) and (lastC[2][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 43, velocity); lastC[2][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][0] ==1) and (lastC[2][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 43, velocity); lastC[2][0] =0; } //C44 if ((keysC[2][1] ==0) and (lastC[2][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 44, velocity); lastC[2][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][1] ==1) and (lastC[2][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 44, velocity); lastC[2][1] =0; } //C45 if ((keysC[2][2] ==0) and (lastC[2][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 45, velocity); lastC[2][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][2] ==1) and (lastC[2][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 45, velocity); lastC[2][2] =0; } //C46 if ((keysC[2][3] ==0) and (lastC[2][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 46, velocity); lastC[2][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][3] ==1) and (lastC[2][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 46, velocity); lastC[2][3] =0; } //C47 if ((keysC[2][4] ==0) and (lastC[2][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 47, velocity); lastC[2][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][4] ==1) and (lastC[2][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 47, velocity); lastC[2][4] =0; } //C48 if ((keysC[2][5] ==0) and (lastC[2][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 48, velocity); lastC[2][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][5] ==1) and (lastC[2][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 48, velocity); lastC[2][5] =0; } //C49 if ((keysC[3][0] ==0) and (lastC[3][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 49, velocity); lastC[3][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][0] ==1) and (lastC[3][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 49, velocity); lastC[3][0] =0; } //C50 if ((keysC[3][1] ==0) and (lastC[3][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 50, velocity); lastC[3][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][1] ==1) and (lastC[3][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 50, velocity); lastC[3][1] =0; } //C51 if ((keysC[3][2] ==0) and (lastC[3][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 51, velocity); lastC[3][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][2] ==1) and (lastC[3][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 51, velocity); lastC[3][2] =0; } //C52 if ((keysC[3][3] ==0) and (lastC[3][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 52, velocity); lastC[3][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][3] ==1) and (lastC[3][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 52, velocity); lastC[3][3] =0; } //C53 if ((keysC[3][4] ==0) and (lastC[3][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 53, velocity); lastC[3][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][4] ==1) and (lastC[3][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 53, velocity); lastC[3][4] =0; } //C54 if ((keysC[3][5] ==0) and (lastC[3][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 54, velocity); lastC[3][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][5] ==1) and (lastC[3][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 54, velocity); lastC[3][5] =0; } //C55 if ((keysC[4][0] ==0) and (lastC[4][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 55, velocity); lastC[4][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][0] ==1) and (lastC[4][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 55, velocity); lastC[4][0] =0; } //C56 if ((keysC[4][1] ==0) and (lastC[4][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 56, velocity); lastC[4][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][1] ==1) and (lastC[4][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 56, velocity); lastC[4][1] =0; } //C57 if ((keysC[4][2] ==0) and (lastC[4][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 57, velocity); lastC[4][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][2] ==1) and (lastC[4][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 57, velocity); lastC[4][2] =0; } //C58 if ((keysC[4][3] ==0) and (lastC[4][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 58, velocity); lastC[4][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][3] ==1) and (lastC[4][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 58, velocity); lastC[4][3] =0; } //C59 if ((keysC[4][4] ==0) and (lastC[4][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 59, velocity); lastC[4][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][4] ==1) and (lastC[4][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 59, velocity); lastC[4][4] =0; } //C60 if ((keysC[4][5] ==0) and (lastC[4][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 60, velocity); lastC[4][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][5] ==1) and (lastC[4][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 60, velocity); lastC[4][5] =0; } //C61 if ((keysC[5][0] ==0) and (lastC[5][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 61, velocity); lastC[5][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][0] ==1) and (lastC[5][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 61, velocity); lastC[5][0] =0; } //C62 if ((keysC[5][1] ==0) and (lastC[5][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 62, velocity); lastC[5][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][1] ==1) and (lastC[5][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 62, velocity); lastC[5][1] =0; } //C63 if ((keysC[5][2] ==0) and (lastC[5][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 63, velocity); lastC[5][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][2] ==1) and (lastC[5][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 63, velocity); lastC[5][2] =0; } //C64 if ((keysC[5][3] ==0) and (lastC[5][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 64, velocity); lastC[5][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][3] ==1) and (lastC[5][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 64, velocity); lastC[5][3] =0; } //C65 if ((keysC[5][4] ==0) and (lastC[5][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 65, velocity); lastC[5][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][4] ==1) and (lastC[5][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 65, velocity); lastC[5][4] =0; } //C66 if ((keysC[5][5] ==0) and (lastC[5][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 66, velocity); lastC[5][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][5] ==1) and (lastC[5][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 66, velocity); lastC[5][5] =0; } //C67 if ((keysC[6][0] ==0) and (lastC[6][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 67, velocity); lastC[6][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[6][0] ==1) and (lastC[6][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 67, velocity); lastC[6][0] =0; } //Expression pedal on analog pin 0 to Channel 6 int Cur6 =analogRead(0); int Map6 =map(Cur6, 0, 1023, 0, 127); if (abs(Cur6 - LastPot6)>=8) { MidiSend(chan6,Exp,Map6); LastPot6 =Cur6; } //Expression pedal on analog pin 1 to Channel 7 int Cur7 =analogRead(1); int Map7 =map(Cur7, 0, 1023, 0, 127); if (abs(Cur7 - LastPot7)>=8) { MidiSend(chan7,Exp,Map7); LastPot7 =Cur7; } }void MidiSend(int one, int two, int three) { Serial.write(one); Serial.write(two); Serial.write(three); }
Bussed Keyboard CodeArduino
Code to upload to the Arduino if you are following the Bussed Keyboard Schematic.// Name:Arduino Mega Midi Controller 61x4 plus 3 potentiometers.// Version 1.0// Created:April 12, 2021// Author:Larason2// Acknowledgements:Bald Engineer, Amanda Ghassaei, jeffb42, GrumpyMike//Note Databyte keysA[11][6];byte keysB[11][6];byte keysC[11][6];byte keysD[11][6];//Last Key Statebyte lastA[11][6];byte lastB[11][6];byte lastC[11][6];byte lastD[11][6];//Midi Messages Sentint noteOn1 =144;int noteOff1 =128;int noteOn2 =145;int noteOff2 =129;int noteOn3 =146;int noteOff3 =130;int noteOn4 =147;int noteOff4 =131;int velocity =100;int chan6 =181;int chan7 =182;int chan8 =183;int Exp =11;//Last Potentiometer Stateint LastPot6 =1;int LastPot7 =1;int LastPot8 =1;void setup() { // Start Serial at Midi rate Serial.begin(31250); //Initialize Pins 1-10 pinMode(2, INPUT); pinMode(3、INPUT); pinMode(4, INPUT); pinMode(5, INPUT); pinMode(6, INPUT); pinMode(7, INPUT); pinMode(8, INPUT); pinMode(9, INPUT); pinMode(10, INPUT); pinMode(11, INPUT); //Pins 11-20 pinMode(12, INPUT); pinMode(13, INPUT); pinMode(14, INPUT); pinMode(15, INPUT); pinMode(16, INPUT); pinMode(17, INPUT); pinMode(18, INPUT); pinMode(19, INPUT); pinMode(20, INPUT); pinMode(21, INPUT); //Pins 21-30 pinMode(22, INPUT); pinMode(23、INPUT); pinMode(24、INPUT); pinMode(25、INPUT); pinMode(26、INPUT); pinMode(27、INPUT); pinMode(28、INPUT); pinMode(29、INPUT); pinMode(30、INPUT); pinMode(31、INPUT); //Pins 31-40 pinMode(32, INPUT); pinMode(33、INPUT); pinMode(34、INPUT); pinMode(35、INPUT); pinMode(36、INPUT); pinMode(37、INPUT); pinMode(38、INPUT); pinMode(39、INPUT); pinMode(40、INPUT); pinMode(41、INPUT); //Pins 41-50 pinMode(42, INPUT); pinMode(43、INPUT); pinMode(44、INPUT); pinMode(45、INPUT); pinMode(46、INPUT); pinMode(47、INPUT); pinMode(48、INPUT); pinMode(49、INPUT); pinMode(50、INPUT); pinMode(51、INPUT); //Pins 51-61 pinMode(52, INPUT); pinMode(53、INPUT); pinMode(A0, INPUT); pinMode(A1, INPUT); pinMode(A2、INPUT); pinMode(A3、INPUT); pinMode(A4、INPUT); pinMode(A5、INPUT); pinMode(A6、INPUT); pinMode(A7、INPUT); pinMode(A8、INPUT); //Column Pins pinMode(A9, INPUT); pinMode(A10、INPUT); pinMode(A11、INPUT); pinMode(A12、INPUT); //Pot Pins pinMode(A13, INPUT); pinMode(A14、INPUT); pinMode(A15, INPUT);}void loop() { // Setup pins for keyboards //Pins 1-10 pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(3、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(7, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(8, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(9, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(10, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(11, INPUT_PULLUP); //Pins 11-20 pinMode(12, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(13, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(14, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(15, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(16, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(17, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(18, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(19, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(20, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(21, INPUT_PULLUP); //Pins 21-30 pinMode(22, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(23, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(24、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(25、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(26、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(27、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(28、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(29、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(30、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(31、INPUT_PULLUP); //Pins 31-40 pinMode(32, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(33, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(34, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(35, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(36, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(37, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(38, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(39, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(40, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(41, INPUT_PULLUP); //Pins 41-50 pinMode(42, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(43, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(44, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(45, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(46, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(47, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(48, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(49, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(50, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(51, INPUT_PULLUP); //Pins 51-61 pinMode(52, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(53, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A0, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A1, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A2、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A3, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A4、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A5、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A6、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A7、INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A8, INPUT_PULLUP); //Read Keyboard A pinMode(A9, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A9、LOW); //Keys 1-10 keysA[0][0] =digitalRead(2); keysA[1][0] =digitalRead(3); keysA[1][1] =digitalRead(4); keysA[1][2] =digitalRead(5); keysA[1][3] =digitalRead(6); keysA[1][4] =digitalRead(7); keysA[1][5] =digitalRead(8); keysA[2][0] =digitalRead(9); keysA[2][1] =digitalRead(10); keysA[2][2] =digitalRead(11); //Keys 11-20 keysA[2][3] =digitalRead(12); keysA[2][4] =digitalRead(13); keysA[2][5] =digitalRead(14); keysA[3][0] =digitalRead(15); keysA[3][1] =digitalRead(16); keysA[3][2] =digitalRead(17); keysA[3][3] =digitalRead(18); keysA[3][4] =digitalRead(19); keysA[3][5] =digitalRead(20); keysA[4][0] =digitalRead(21); //Keys 21-30 keysA[4][1] =digitalRead(22); keysA[4][2] =digitalRead(23); keysA[4][3] =digitalRead(24); keysA[4][4] =digitalRead(25); keysA[4][5] =digitalRead(26); keysA[5][0] =digitalRead(27); keysA[5][1] =digitalRead(28); keysA[5][2] =digitalRead(29); keysA[5][3] =digitalRead(30); keysA[5][4] =digitalRead(31); //Keys 31-40 keysA[5][5] =digitalRead(32); keysA[6][0] =digitalRead(33); keysA[6][1] =digitalRead(34); keysA[6][2] =digitalRead(35); keysA[6][3] =digitalRead(36); keysA[6][4] =digitalRead(37); keysA[6][5] =digitalRead(38); keysA[7][0] =digitalRead(39); keysA[7][1] =digitalRead(40); keysA[7][2] =digitalRead(41); //Keys 41-50 keysA[7][3] =digitalRead(42); keysA[7][4] =digitalRead(43); keysA[7][5] =digitalRead(44); keysA[8][0] =digitalRead(45); keysA[8][1] =digitalRead(46); keysA[8][2] =digitalRead(47); keysA[8][3] =digitalRead(48); keysA[8][4] =digitalRead(49); keysA[8][5] =digitalRead(50); keysA[9][0] =digitalRead(51); //Keys 51-61 keysA[9][1] =digitalRead(52); keysA[9][2] =digitalRead(53); keysA[9][3] =digitalRead(A0); keysA[9][4] =digitalRead(A1); keysA[9][5] =digitalRead(A2); keysA[10][0] =digitalRead(A3); keysA[10][1] =digitalRead(A4); keysA[10][2] =digitalRead(A5); keysA[10][3] =digitalRead(A6); keysA[10][4] =digitalRead(A7); keysA[10][5] =digitalRead(A8); pinMode(A9、INPUT); // Read Keyboard B pinMode(A10, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A10、LOW); //Keys 1-10 keysB[0][0] =digitalRead(2); keysB[1][0] =digitalRead(3); keysB[1][1] =digitalRead(4); keysB[1][2] =digitalRead(5); keysB[1][3] =digitalRead(6); keysB[1][4] =digitalRead(7); keysB[1][5] =digitalRead(8); keysB[2][0] =digitalRead(9); keysB[2][1] =digitalRead(10); keysB[2][2] =digitalRead(11); //Keys 11-20 keysB[2][3] =digitalRead(12); keysB[2][4] =digitalRead(13); keysB[2][5] =digitalRead(14); keysB[3][0] =digitalRead(15); keysB[3][1] =digitalRead(16); keysB[3][2] =digitalRead(17); keysB[3][3] =digitalRead(18); keysB[3][4] =digitalRead(19); keysB[3][5] =digitalRead(20); keysB[4][0] =digitalRead(21); //Keys 21-30 keysB[4][1] =digitalRead(22); keysB[4][2] =digitalRead(23); keysB[4][3] =digitalRead(24); keysB[4][4] =digitalRead(25); keysB[4][5] =digitalRead(26); keysB[5][0] =digitalRead(27); keysB[5][1] =digitalRead(28); keysB[5][2] =digitalRead(29); keysB[5][3] =digitalRead(30); keysB [5] [4] =digitalRead(31); //Keys 31-40 keysB[5][5] =digitalRead(32); keysB[6][0] =digitalRead(33); keysB[6][1] =digitalRead(34); keysB[6][2] =digitalRead(35); keysB[6][3] =digitalRead(36); keysB[6][4] =digitalRead(37); keysB[6][5] =digitalRead(38); keysB[7][0] =digitalRead(39); keysB[7][1] =digitalRead(40); keysB[7][2] =digitalRead(41); //Keys 41-50 keysB[7][3] =digitalRead(42); keysB[7][4] =digitalRead(43); keysB[7][5] =digitalRead(44); keysB[8][0] =digitalRead(45); keysB[8][1] =digitalRead(46); keysB[8][2] =digitalRead(47); keysB[8][3] =digitalRead(48); keysB[8][4] =digitalRead(49); keysB[8][5] =digitalRead(50); keysB[9][0] =digitalRead(51); //Keys 51-61 keysB[9][1] =digitalRead(52); keysB[9][2] =digitalRead(53); keysB[9][3] =digitalRead(A0); keysB[9][4] =digitalRead(A1); keysB[9][5] =digitalRead(A2); keysB[10][0] =digitalRead(A3); keysB[10][1] =digitalRead(A4); keysB[10][2] =digitalRead(A5); keysB[10][3] =digitalRead(A6); keysB[10][4] =digitalRead(A7); keysB[10][5] =digitalRead(A8); pinMode(A10、INPUT); // Read Keyboard C pinMode(A11, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A11、LOW); //Keys 1-10 keysC[0][0] =digitalRead(2); keysC[1][0] =digitalRead(3); keysC[1][1] =digitalRead(4); keysC[1][2] =digitalRead(5); keysC[1][3] =digitalRead(6); keysC[1][4] =digitalRead(7); keysC[1][5] =digitalRead(8); keysC[2][0] =digitalRead(9); keysC[2][1] =digitalRead(10); keysC[2][2] =digitalRead(11); //Keys 11-20 keysC[2][3] =digitalRead(12); keysC[2][4] =digitalRead(13); keysC[2][5] =digitalRead(14); keysC[3][0] =digitalRead(15); keysC[3][1] =digitalRead(16); keysC[3][2] =digitalRead(17); keysC[3][3] =digitalRead(18); keysC[3][4] =digitalRead(19); keysC[3][5] =digitalRead(20); keysC[4][0] =digitalRead(21); //Keys 21-30 keysC[4][1] =digitalRead(22); keysC[4][2] =digitalRead(23); keysC[4][3] =digitalRead(24); keysC[4][4] =digitalRead(25); keysC[4][5] =digitalRead(26); keysC[5][0] =digitalRead(27); keysC[5][1] =digitalRead(28); keysC[5][2] =digitalRead(29); keysC[5][3] =digitalRead(30); keysC[5][4] =digitalRead(31); //Keys 31-40 keysC[5][5] =digitalRead(32); keysC[6][0] =digitalRead(33); keysC[6][1] =digitalRead(34); keysC[6][2] =digitalRead(35); keysC[6][3] =digitalRead(36); keysC[6][4] =digitalRead(37); keysC[6][5] =digitalRead(38); keysC[7][0] =digitalRead(39); keysC[7][1] =digitalRead(40); keysC[7][2] =digitalRead(41); //Keys 41-50 keysC[7][3] =digitalRead(42); keysC[7][4] =digitalRead(43); keysC[7][5] =digitalRead(44); keysC[8][0] =digitalRead(45); keysC[8][1] =digitalRead(46); keysC[8][2] =digitalRead(47); keysC[8][3] =digitalRead(48); keysC[8][4] =digitalRead(49); keysC[8][5] =digitalRead(50); keysC[9][0] =digitalRead(51); //Keys 51-61 keysC[9][1] =digitalRead(52); keysC[9][2] =digitalRead(53); keysC[9][3] =digitalRead(A0); keysC[9][4] =digitalRead(A1); keysC[9][5] =digitalRead(A2); keysC[10][0] =digitalRead(A3); keysC[10][1] =digitalRead(A4); keysC[10][2] =digitalRead(A5); keysC[10][3] =digitalRead(A6); keysC[10][4] =digitalRead(A7); keysC[10][5] =digitalRead(A8); pinMode(A11、INPUT); // Read Keyboard D pinMode(A12, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A12、LOW); //Keys 1-10 keysD[0][0] =digitalRead(2); keysD[1][0] =digitalRead(3); keysD[1][1] =digitalRead(4); keysD[1][2] =digitalRead(5); keysD[1][3] =digitalRead(6); keysD[1][4] =digitalRead(7); keysD[1][5] =digitalRead(8); keysD[2][0] =digitalRead(9); keysD[2][1] =digitalRead(10); keysD[2][2] =digitalRead(11); //Keys 11-20 keysD[2][3] =digitalRead(12); keysD[2][4] =digitalRead(13); keysD[2][5] =digitalRead(14); keysD[3][0] =digitalRead(15); keysD[3][1] =digitalRead(16); keysD[3][2] =digitalRead(17); keysD[3][3] =digitalRead(18); keysD[3][4] =digitalRead(19); keysD[3][5] =digitalRead(20); keysD[4][0] =digitalRead(21); //Keys 21-30 keysD[4][1] =digitalRead(22); keysD[4][2] =digitalRead(23); keysD[4][3] =digitalRead(24); keysD[4][4] =digitalRead(25); keysD[4][5] =digitalRead(26); keysD[5][0] =digitalRead(27); keysD[5][1] =digitalRead(28); keysD[5][2] =digitalRead(29); keysD[5][3] =digitalRead(30); keysD[5][4] =digitalRead(31); //Keys 31-40 keysD[5][5] =digitalRead(32); keysD[6][0] =digitalRead(33); keysD[6][1] =digitalRead(34); keysD[6][2] =digitalRead(35); keysD[6][3] =digitalRead(36); keysD[6][4] =digitalRead(37); keysD[6][5] =digitalRead(38); keysD[7][0] =digitalRead(39); keysD[7][1] =digitalRead(40); keysD[7][2] =digitalRead(41); //Keys 41-50 keysD[7][3] =digitalRead(42); keysD[7][4] =digitalRead(43); keysD[7][5] =digitalRead(44); keysD[8][0] =digitalRead(45); keysD[8][1] =digitalRead(46); keysD[8][2] =digitalRead(47); keysD[8][3] =digitalRead(48); keysD[8][4] =digitalRead(49); keysD[8][5] =digitalRead(50); keysD[9][0] =digitalRead(51); //Keys 51-61 keysD[9][1] =digitalRead(52); keysD[9][2] =digitalRead(53); keysD[9][3] =digitalRead(A0); keysD[9][4] =digitalRead(A1); keysD[9][5] =digitalRead(A2); keysD[10][0] =digitalRead(A3); keysD[10][1] =digitalRead(A4); keysD[10][2] =digitalRead(A5); keysD[10][3] =digitalRead(A6); keysD[10][4] =digitalRead(A7); keysD[10][5] =digitalRead(A8); pinMode(A12、INPUT); //Return pins to Initialized state //Pins 1-10 pinMode(2, INPUT); pinMode(3、INPUT); pinMode(4, INPUT); pinMode(5, INPUT); pinMode(6, INPUT); pinMode(7, INPUT); pinMode(8, INPUT); pinMode(9, INPUT); pinMode(10, INPUT); pinMode(11, INPUT); //Pins 11-20 pinMode(12, INPUT); pinMode(13, INPUT); pinMode(14, INPUT); pinMode(15, INPUT); pinMode(16, INPUT); pinMode(17, INPUT); pinMode(18, INPUT); pinMode(19, INPUT); pinMode(20, INPUT); pinMode(21, INPUT); //Pins 21-30 pinMode(22, INPUT); pinMode(23、INPUT); pinMode(24、INPUT); pinMode(25、INPUT); pinMode(26、INPUT); pinMode(27、INPUT); pinMode(28、INPUT); pinMode(29、INPUT); pinMode(30、INPUT); pinMode(31、INPUT); //Pins 31-40 pinMode(32, INPUT); pinMode(33、INPUT); pinMode(34、INPUT); pinMode(35、INPUT); pinMode(36、INPUT); pinMode(37、INPUT); pinMode(38、INPUT); pinMode(39、INPUT); pinMode(40、INPUT); pinMode(41、INPUT); //Pins 41-50 pinMode(42, INPUT); pinMode(43、INPUT); pinMode(44、INPUT); pinMode(45、INPUT); pinMode(46、INPUT); pinMode(47、INPUT); pinMode(48、INPUT); pinMode(49、INPUT); pinMode(50、INPUT); pinMode(51、INPUT); //Pins 51-61 pinMode(52, INPUT); pinMode(53、INPUT); pinMode(A0, INPUT); pinMode(A1, INPUT); pinMode(A2、INPUT); pinMode(A3、INPUT); pinMode(A4、INPUT); pinMode(A5、INPUT); pinMode(A6、INPUT); pinMode(A7、INPUT); pinMode(A8、INPUT); //Column Pins pinMode(A9, INPUT); pinMode(A10、INPUT); pinMode(A11、INPUT); pinMode(A12、INPUT); //Pot Pins pinMode(A13, INPUT); pinMode(A14、INPUT); pinMode(A15, INPUT); /* //Invert Keyboard data only if needed. //Example only for 32 pedals of a pedalboard, first 32 keys of keyboard C. //Column 1 if (keysC[0][0] ==0) { keysC[0][0] =1; } else if (keysC[0][0] ==1) { keysC[0][0] =0; } //Column 2 if (keysC[1][0] ==0) { keysC[1][0] =1; } else if (keysC[1][0] ==1) { keysC[1][0] =0; } if (keysC[1][1] ==0) { keysC[1][1] =1; } else if (keysC[1][1] ==1) { keysC[1][1] =0; } if (keysC[1][2] ==0) { keysC[1][2] =1; } else if (keysC[1][2] ==1) { keysC[1][2] =0; } if (keysC[1][3] ==0) { keysC[1][3] =1; } else if (keysC[1][3] ==1) { keysC[1][3] =0; } if (keysC[1][4] ==0) { keysC[1][4] =1; } else if (keysC[1][4] ==1) { keysC[1][4] =0; } if (keysC[1][5] ==0) { keysC[1][5] =1; } else if (keysC[1][5] ==1) { keysC[1][5] =0; } //Column 3 if (keysC[2][0] ==0) { keysC[2][0] =1; } else if (keysC[2][0] ==1) { keysC[2][0] =0; } if (keysC[2][1] ==0) { keysC[2][1] =1; } else if (keysC[2][1] ==1) { keysC[2][1] =0; } if (keysC[2][2] ==0) { keysC[2][2] =1; } else if (keysC[2][2] ==1) { keysC[2][2] =0; } if (keysC[2][3] ==0) { keysC[2][3] =1; } else if (keysC[2][3] ==1) { keysC[2][3] =0; } if (keysC[2][4] ==0) { keysC[2][4] =1; } else if (keysC[2][4] ==1) { keysC[2][4] =0; } if (keysC[2][5] ==0) { keysC[2][5] =1; } else if (keysC[2][5] ==1) { keysC[2][5] =0; } //Column 4 if (keysC[3][0] ==0) { keysC[3][0] =1; } else if (keysC[3][0] ==1) { keysC[3][0] =0; } if (keysC[3][1] ==0) { keysC[3][1] =1; } else if (keysC[3][1] ==1) { keysC[3][1] =0; } if (keysC[3][2] ==0) { keysC[3][2] =1; } else if (keysC[3][2] ==1) { keysC[3][2] =0; } if (keysC[3][3] ==0) { keysC[3][3] =1; } else if (keysC[3][3] ==1) { keysC[3][3] =0; } if (keysC[3][4] ==0) { keysC[3][4] =1; } else if (keysC[3][4] ==1) { keysC[3][4] =0; } if (keysC[3][5] ==0) { keysC[3][5] =1; } else if (keysC[3][5] ==1) { keysC[3][5] =0; } //Column 5 if (keysC[4][0] ==0) { keysC[4][0] =1; } else if (keysC[4][0] ==1) { keysC[4][0] =0; } if (keysC[4][1] ==0) { keysC[4][1] =1; } else if (keysC[4][1] ==1) { keysC[4][1] =0; } if (keysC[4][2] ==0) { keysC[4][2] =1; } else if (keysC[4][2] ==1) { keysC[4][2] =0; } if (keysC[4][3] ==0) { keysC[4][3] =1; } else if (keysC[4][3] ==1) { keysC[4][3] =0; } if (keysC[4][4] ==0) { keysC[4][4] =1; } else if (keysC[4][4] ==1) { keysC[4][4] =0; } if (keysC[4][5] ==0) { keysC[4][5] =1; } else if (keysC[4][5] ==1) { keysC[4][5] =0; } //Column 6 if (keysC[5][0] ==0) { keysC[5][0] =1; } else if (keysC[5][0] ==1) { keysC[5][0] =0; } if (keysC[5][1] ==0) { keysC[5][1] =1; } else if (keysC[5][1] ==1) { keysC[5][1] =0; } if (keysC[5][2] ==0) { keysC[5][2] =1; } else if (keysC[5][2] ==1) { keysC[5][2] =0; } if (keysC[5][3] ==0) { keysC[5][3] =1; } else if (keysC[5][3] ==1) { keysC[5][3] =0; } if (keysC[5][4] ==0) { keysC[5][4] =1; } else if (keysC[5][4] ==1) { keysC[5][4] =0; } if (keysC[5][5] ==0) { keysC[5][5] =1; } else if (keysC[5][5] ==1) { keysC[5][5] =0; } //Column 7 if (keysC[6][0] ==0) { keysC[6][0] =1; } else if (keysC[6][0] ==1) { keysC[6][0] =0; } */ //Write Keyboard A //A36 if ((keysA[0][0] ==0) and (lastA[0][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 36, velocity); lastA [0] [0] =7; } if ((keysA[0][0] ==1) and (lastA[0][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 36, velocity); lastA [0] [0] =0; } //A37 if ((keysA[1][0] ==0) and (lastA[1][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 37, velocity); lastA [1] [0] =7; } if ((keysA[1][0] ==1) and (lastA[1][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 37, velocity); lastA [1] [0] =0; } //A38 if ((keysA[1][1] ==0) and (lastA[1][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 38, velocity); lastA [1] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[1][1] ==1) and (lastA[1][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 38, velocity); lastA [1] [1] =0; } //A39 if ((keysA[1][2] ==0) and (lastA[1][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 39, velocity); lastA [1] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[1][2] ==1) and (lastA[1][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 39, velocity); lastA [1] [2] =0; } //A40 if ((keysA[1][3] ==0) and (lastA[1][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 40, velocity); lastA [1] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[1][3] ==1) and (lastA[1][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 40, velocity); lastA [1] [3] =0; } //A41 if ((keysA[1][4] ==0) and (lastA[1][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 41, velocity); lastA [1] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[1][4] ==1) and (lastA[1][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 41, velocity); lastA [1] [4] =0; } //A42 if ((keysA[1][5] ==0) and (lastA[1][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 42, velocity); lastA [1] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[1][5] ==1) and (lastA[1][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 42, velocity); lastA [1] [5] =0; } //A43 if ((keysA[2][0] ==0) and (lastA[2][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 43, velocity); lastA [2] [0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[2][0] ==1) and (lastA[2][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 43, velocity); lastA [2] [0] =0; } //A44 if ((keysA[2][1] ==0) and (lastA[2][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 44, velocity); lastA [2] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[2][1] ==1) and (lastA[2][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 44, velocity); lastA [2] [1] =0; } //A45 if ((keysA[2][2] ==0) and (lastA[2][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 45, velocity); lastA [2] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[2][2] ==1) and (lastA[2][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 45, velocity); lastA [2] [2] =0; } //A46 if ((keysA[2][3] ==0) and (lastA[2][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 46, velocity); lastA [2] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[2][3] ==1) and (lastA[2][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 46, velocity); lastA [2] [3] =0; } //A47 if ((keysA[2][4] ==0) and (lastA[2][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 47, velocity); lastA [2] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[2][4] ==1) and (lastA[2][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 47, velocity); lastA [2] [4] =0; } //A48 if ((keysA[2][5] ==0) and (lastA[2][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 48, velocity); lastA [2] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[2][5] ==1) and (lastA[2][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 48, velocity); lastA [2] [5] =0; } //A49 if ((keysA[3][0] ==0) and (lastA[3][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 49, velocity); lastA [3] [0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[3][0] ==1) and (lastA[3][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 49, velocity); lastA [3] [0] =0; } //A50 if ((keysA[3][1] ==0) and (lastA[3][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 50, velocity); lastA [3] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[3][1] ==1) and (lastA[3][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 50, velocity); lastA [3] [1] =0; } //A51 if ((keysA[3][2] ==0) and (lastA[3][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 51, velocity); lastA [3] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[3][2] ==1) and (lastA[3][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 51, velocity); lastA [3] [2] =0; } //A52 if ((keysA[3][3] ==0) and (lastA[3][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 52, velocity); lastA [3] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[3][3] ==1) and (lastA[3][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 52, velocity); lastA [3] [3] =0; } //A53 if ((keysA[3][4] ==0) and (lastA[3][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 53, velocity); lastA [3] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[3][4] ==1) and (lastA[3][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 53, velocity); lastA [3] [4] =0; } //A54 if ((keysA[3][5] ==0) and (lastA[3][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 54, velocity); lastA [3] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[3][5] ==1) and (lastA[3][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 54, velocity); lastA [3] [5] =0; } //A55 if ((keysA[4][0] ==0) and (lastA[4][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 55, velocity); lastA [4] [0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[4][0] ==1) and (lastA[4][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 55, velocity); lastA [4] [0] =0; } //A56 if ((keysA[4][1] ==0) and (lastA[4][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 56, velocity); lastA [4] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[4][1] ==1) and (lastA[4][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 56, velocity); lastA [4] [1] =0; } //A57 if ((keysA[4][2] ==0) and (lastA[4][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 57, velocity); lastA [4] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[4][2] ==1) and (lastA[4][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 57, velocity); lastA [4] [2] =0; } //A58 if ((keysA[4][3] ==0) and (lastA[4][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 58, velocity); lastA [4] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[4][3] ==1) and (lastA[4][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 58, velocity); lastA [4] [3] =0; } //59 if ((keysA[4][4] ==0) and (lastA[4][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 59, velocity); lastA [4] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[4][4] ==1) and (lastA[4][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 59, velocity); lastA [4] [4] =0; } //A60 if ((keysA[4][5] ==0) and (lastA[4][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 60, velocity); lastA [4] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[4][5] ==1) and (lastA[4][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 60, velocity); lastA [4] [5] =0; } //A61 if ((keysA[5][0] ==0) and (lastA[5][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 61, velocity); lastA [5] [0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[5][0] ==1) and (lastA[5][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 61, velocity); lastA [5] [0] =0; } //A62 if ((keysA[5][1] ==0) and (lastA[5][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 62, velocity); lastA [5] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[5][1] ==1) and (lastA[5][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 62, velocity); lastA [5] [1] =0; } //A63 if ((keysA[5][2] ==0) and (lastA[5][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 63, velocity); lastA [5] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[5][2] ==1) and (lastA[5][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 63, velocity); lastA [5] [2] =0; } //A64 if ((keysA[5][3] ==0) and (lastA[5][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 64, velocity); lastA [5] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[5][3] ==1) and (lastA[5][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 64, velocity); lastA [5] [3] =0; } //A65 if ((keysA[5][4] ==0) and (lastA[5][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 65, velocity); lastA [5] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[5][4] ==1) and (lastA[5][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 65, velocity); lastA [5] [4] =0; } //A66 if ((keysA[5][5] ==0) and (lastA[5][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 66, velocity); lastA [5] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[5][5] ==1) and (lastA[5][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 66, velocity); lastA [5] [5] =0; } //A67 if ((keysA[6][0] ==0) and (lastA[6][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 67, velocity); lastA [6] [0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[6][0] ==1) and (lastA[6][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 67, velocity); lastA [6] [0] =0; } //A68 if ((keysA[6][1] ==0) and (lastA[6][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 68, velocity); lastA [6] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[6][1] ==1) and (lastA[6][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 68, velocity); lastA [6] [1] =0; } //A69 if ((keysA[6][2] ==0) and (lastA[6][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 69, velocity); lastA [6] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[6][2] ==1) and (lastA[6][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 69, velocity); lastA [6] [2] =0; } //A70 if ((keysA[6][3] ==0) and (lastA[6][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 70, velocity); lastA [6] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[6][3] ==1) and (lastA[6][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 70, velocity); lastA [6] [3] =0; } //A71 if ((keysA[6][4] ==0) and (lastA[6][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 71, velocity); lastA [6] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[6][4] ==1) and (lastA[6][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 71, velocity); lastA [6] [4] =0; } //A72 if ((keysA[6][5] ==0) and (lastA[6][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 72, velocity); lastA [6] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[6][5] ==1) and (lastA[6][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 72, velocity); lastA [6] [5] =0; } //A73 if ((keysA[7][0] ==0) and (lastA[7][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 73, velocity); lastA [7] [0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[7][0] ==1) and (lastA[7][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 73, velocity); lastA [7] [0] =0; } //A74 if ((keysA[7][1] ==0) and (lastA[7][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 74, velocity); lastA [7] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[7][1] ==1) and (lastA[7][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 74, velocity); lastA [7] [1] =0; } //A75 if ((keysA[7][2] ==0) and (lastA[7][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 75, velocity); lastA [7] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[7][2] ==1) and (lastA[7][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 75, velocity); lastA [7] [2] =0; } //A76 if ((keysA[7][3] ==0) and (lastA[7][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 76, velocity); lastA [7] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[7][3] ==1) and (lastA[7][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 76, velocity); lastA [7] [3] =0; } //A77 if ((keysA[7][4] ==0) and (lastA[7][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 77, velocity); lastA [7] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[7][4] ==1) and (lastA[7][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 77, velocity); lastA [7] [4] =0; } //A78 if ((keysA[7][5] ==0) and (lastA[7][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 78, velocity); lastA [7] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[7][5] ==1) and (lastA[7][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 78, velocity); lastA [7] [5] =0; } //A79 if ((keysA[8][0] ==0) and (lastA[8][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 79, velocity); lastA [8] [0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[8][0] ==1) and (lastA[8][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 79, velocity); lastA [8] [0] =0; } //A80 if ((keysA[8][1] ==0) and (lastA[8][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 80, velocity); lastA [8] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[8][1] ==1) and (lastA[8][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 80, velocity); lastA [8] [1] =0; } //A81 if ((keysA[8][2] ==0) and (lastA[8][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 81, velocity); lastA [8] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[8][2] ==1) and (lastA[8][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 81, velocity); lastA [8] [2] =0; } //A82 if ((keysA[8][3] ==0) and (lastA[8][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 82, velocity); lastA [8] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[8][3] ==1) and (lastA[8][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 82, velocity); lastA [8] [3] =0; } //A83 if ((keysA[8][4] ==0) and (lastA[8][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 83, velocity); lastA [8] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[8][4] ==1) and (lastA[8][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 83, velocity); lastA [8] [4] =0; } //A84 if ((keysA[8][5] ==0) and (lastA[8][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 84, velocity); lastA [8] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[8][5] ==1) and (lastA[8][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 84, velocity); lastA [8] [5] =0; } //A85 if ((keysA[9][0] ==0) and (lastA[9][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 85, velocity); lastA [9] [0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[9][0] ==1) and (lastA[9][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 85, velocity); lastA [9] [0] =0; } //A86 if ((keysA[9][1] ==0) and (lastA[9][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 86, velocity); lastA [9] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[9][1] ==1) and (lastA[9][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 86, velocity); lastA [9] [1] =0; } //A87 if ((keysA[9][2] ==0) and (lastA[9][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 87, velocity); lastA [9] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[9][2] ==1) and (lastA[9][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 87, velocity); lastA [9] [2] =0; } //A88 if ((keysA[9][3] ==0) and (lastA[9][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 88, velocity); lastA [9] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[9][3] ==1) and (lastA[9][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 88, velocity); lastA [9] [3] =0; } //A89 if ((keysA[9][4] ==0) and (lastA[9][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 89, velocity); lastA [9] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[9][4] ==1) and (lastA[9][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 89, velocity); lastA [9] [4] =0; } //A90 if ((keysA[9][5] ==0) and (lastA[9][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 90, velocity); lastA [9] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[9][5] ==1) and (lastA[9][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 90, velocity); lastA [9] [5] =0; } //A91 if ((keysA[10][0] ==0) and (lastA[10][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 91, velocity); lastA [10] [0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[10][0] ==1) and (lastA[10][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 91, velocity); lastA [10] [0] =0; } //A92 if ((keysA[10][1] ==0) and (lastA[10][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 92, velocity); lastA [10] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[10][1] ==1) and (lastA[10][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 92, velocity); lastA [10] [1] =0; } //A93 if ((keysA[10][2] ==0) and (lastA[10][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 93, velocity); lastA [10] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[10][2] ==1) and (lastA[10][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 93, velocity); lastA [10] [2] =0; } //A94 if ((keysA[10][3] ==0) and (lastA[10][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 94, velocity); lastA [10] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[10][3] ==1) and (lastA[10][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 94, velocity); lastA [10] [3] =0; } //A95 if ((keysA[10][4] ==0) and (lastA[10][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 95, velocity); lastA [10] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[10][4] ==1) and (lastA[10][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 95, velocity); lastA [10] [4] =0; } //A96 if ((keysA[10][5] ==0) and (lastA[10][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn1, 96, velocity); lastA [10] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysA[10][5] ==1) and (lastA[10][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff1, 96, velocity); lastA [10] [5] =0; } //Write Keyboard B //B36 if ((keysB[0][0] ==0) and (lastB[0][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 36, velocity); lastB [0] [0] =7; } if ((keysB[0][0] ==1) and (lastB[0][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 36, velocity); lastB [0] [0] =0; } //B37 if ((keysB[1][0] ==0) and (lastB[1][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 37, velocity); lastB [1] [0] =7; } if ((keysB[1][0] ==1) and (lastB[1][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 37, velocity); lastB [1] [0] =0; } //B38 if ((keysB[1][1] ==0) and (lastB[1][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 38, velocity); lastB [1] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[1][1] ==1) and (lastB[1][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 38, velocity); lastB [1] [1] =0; } //B39 if ((keysB[1][2] ==0) and (lastB[1][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 39, velocity); lastB [1] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[1][2] ==1) and (lastB[1][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 39, velocity); lastB [1] [2] =0; } //B40 if ((keysB[1][3] ==0) and (lastB[1][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 40, velocity); lastB [1] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[1][3] ==1) and (lastB[1][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 40, velocity); lastB [1] [3] =0; } //B41 if ((keysB[1][4] ==0) and (lastB[1][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 41, velocity); lastB [1] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[1][4] ==1) and (lastB[1][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 41, velocity); lastB [1] [4] =0; } //B42 if ((keysB[1][5] ==0) and (lastB[1][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 42, velocity); lastB [1] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[1][5] ==1) and (lastB[1][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 42, velocity); lastB [1] [5] =0; } //B43 if ((keysB[2][0] ==0) and (lastB[2][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 43, velocity); lastB [2] [0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[2][0] ==1) and (lastB[2][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 43, velocity); lastB [2] [0] =0; } //B44 if ((keysB[2][1] ==0) and (lastB[2][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 44, velocity); lastB [2] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[2][1] ==1) and (lastB[2][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 44, velocity); lastB [2] [1] =0; } //B45 if ((keysB[2][2] ==0) and (lastB[2][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 45, velocity); lastB [2] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[2][2] ==1) and (lastB[2][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 45, velocity); lastB [2] [2] =0; } //B46 if ((keysB[2][3] ==0) and (lastB[2][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 46, velocity); lastB [2] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[2][3] ==1) and (lastB[2][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 46, velocity); lastB [2] [3] =0; } //B47 if ((keysB[2][4] ==0) and (lastB[2][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 47, velocity); lastB [2] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[2][4] ==1) and (lastB[2][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 47, velocity); lastB [2] [4] =0; } //B48 if ((keysB[2][5] ==0) and (lastB[2][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 48, velocity); lastB [2] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[2][5] ==1) and (lastB[2][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 48, velocity); lastB [2] [5] =0; } //B49 if ((keysB[3][0] ==0) and (lastB[3][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 49, velocity); lastB [3] [0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[3][0] ==1) and (lastB[3][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 49, velocity); lastB [3] [0] =0; } //B50 if ((keysB[3][1] ==0) and (lastB[3][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 50, velocity); lastB [3] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[3][1] ==1) and (lastB[3][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 50, velocity); lastB [3] [1] =0; } //B51 if ((keysB[3][2] ==0) and (lastB[3][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 51, velocity); lastB [3] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[3][2] ==1) and (lastB[3][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 51, velocity); lastB [3] [2] =0; } //B52 if ((keysB[3][3] ==0) and (lastB[3][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 52, velocity); lastB [3] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[3][3] ==1) and (lastB[3][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 52, velocity); lastB [3] [3] =0; } //B53 if ((keysB[3][4] ==0) and (lastB[3][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 53, velocity); lastB [3] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[3][4] ==1) and (lastB[3][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 53, velocity); lastB [3] [4] =0; } //B54 if ((keysB[3][5] ==0) and (lastB[3][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 54, velocity); lastB [3] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[3][5] ==1) and (lastB[3][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 54, velocity); lastB [3] [5] =0; } //B55 if ((keysB[4][0] ==0) and (lastB[4][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 55, velocity); lastB [4] [0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[4][0] ==1) and (lastB[4][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 55, velocity); lastB [4] [0] =0; } //B56 if ((keysB[4][1] ==0) and (lastB[4][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 56, velocity); lastB [4] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[4][1] ==1) and (lastB[4][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 56, velocity); lastB [4] [1] =0; } //B57 if ((keysB[4][2] ==0) and (lastB[4][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 57, velocity); lastB [4] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[4][2] ==1) and (lastB[4][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 57, velocity); lastB [4] [2] =0; } //B58 if ((keysB[4][3] ==0) and (lastB[4][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 58, velocity); lastB [4] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[4][3] ==1) and (lastB[4][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 58, velocity); lastB [4] [3] =0; } //B59 if ((keysB[4][4] ==0) and (lastB[4][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 59, velocity); lastB [4] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[4][4] ==1) and (lastB[4][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 59, velocity); lastB [4] [4] =0; } //B60 if ((keysB[4][5] ==0) and (lastB[4][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 60, velocity); lastB [4] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[4][5] ==1) and (lastB[4][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 60, velocity); lastB [4] [5] =0; } //B61 if ((keysB[5][0] ==0) and (lastB[5][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 61, velocity); lastB [5] [0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[5][0] ==1) and (lastB[5][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 61, velocity); lastB [5] [0] =0; } //B62 if ((keysB[5][1] ==0) and (lastB[5][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 62, velocity); lastB [5] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[5][1] ==1) and (lastB[5][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 62, velocity); lastB [5] [1] =0; } //B63 if ((keysB[5][2] ==0) and (lastB[5][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 63, velocity); lastB [5] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[5][2] ==1) and (lastB[5][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 63, velocity); lastB [5] [2] =0; } //B64 if ((keysB[5][3] ==0) and (lastB[5][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 64, velocity); lastB [5] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[5][3] ==1) and (lastB[5][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 64, velocity); lastB [5] [3] =0; } //B65 if ((keysB[5][4] ==0) and (lastB[5][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 65, velocity); lastB [5] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[5][4] ==1) and (lastB[5][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 65, velocity); lastB [5] [4] =0; } //B66 if ((keysB[5][5] ==0) and (lastB[5][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 66, velocity); lastB [5] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[5][5] ==1) and (lastB[5][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 66, velocity); lastB [5] [5] =0; } //B67 if ((keysB[6][0] ==0) and (lastB[6][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 67, velocity); lastB [6] [0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[6][0] ==1) and (lastB[6][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 67, velocity); lastB [6] [0] =0; } //B68 if ((keysB[6][1] ==0) and (lastB[6][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 68, velocity); lastB [6] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[6][1] ==1) and (lastB[6][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 68, velocity); lastB [6] [1] =0; } //B69 if ((keysB[6][2] ==0) and (lastB[6][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 69, velocity); lastB [6] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[6][2] ==1) and (lastB[6][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 69, velocity); lastB [6] [2] =0; } //B70 if ((keysB[6][3] ==0) and (lastB[6][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 70, velocity); lastB [6] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[6][3] ==1) and (lastB[6][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 70, velocity); lastB [6] [3] =0; } //B71 if ((keysB[6][4] ==0) and (lastB[6][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 71, velocity); lastB [6] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[6][4] ==1) and (lastB[6][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 71, velocity); lastB [6] [4] =0; } //B72 if ((keysB[6][5] ==0) and (lastB[6][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 72, velocity); lastB [6] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[6][5] ==1) and (lastB[6][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 72, velocity); lastB [6] [5] =0; } //B73 if ((keysB[7][0] ==0) and (lastB[7][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 73, velocity); lastB [7] [0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[7][0] ==1) and (lastB[7][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 73, velocity); lastB [7] [0] =0; } //B74 if ((keysB[7][1] ==0) and (lastB[7][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 74, velocity); lastB [7] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[7][1] ==1) and (lastB[7][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 74, velocity); lastB [7] [1] =0; } //B75 if ((keysB[7][2] ==0) and (lastB[7][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 75, velocity); lastB [7] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[7][2] ==1) and (lastB[7][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 75, velocity); lastB [7] [2] =0; } //B76 if ((keysB[7][3] ==0) and (lastB[7][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 76, velocity); lastB [7] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[7][3] ==1) and (lastB[7][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 76, velocity); lastB [7] [3] =0; } //B77 if ((keysB[7][4] ==0) and (lastB[7][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 77, velocity); lastB [7] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[7][4] ==1) and (lastB[7][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 77, velocity); lastB [7] [4] =0; } //B78 if ((keysB[7][5] ==0) and (lastB[7][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 78, velocity); lastB [7] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[7][5] ==1) and (lastB[7][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 78, velocity); lastB [7] [5] =0; } //B79 if ((keysB[8][0] ==0) and (lastB[8][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 79, velocity); lastB [8] [0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[8][0] ==1) and (lastB[8][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 79, velocity); lastB [8] [0] =0; } //B80 if ((keysB[8][1] ==0) and (lastB[8][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 80, velocity); lastB [8] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[8][1] ==1) and (lastB[8][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 80, velocity); lastB [8] [1] =0; } //B81 if ((keysB[8][2] ==0) and (lastB[8][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 81, velocity); lastB [8] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[8][2] ==1) and (lastB[8][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 81, velocity); lastB [8] [2] =0; } //B82 if ((keysB[8][3] ==0) and (lastB[8][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 82, velocity); lastB [8] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[8][3] ==1) and (lastB[8][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 82, velocity); lastB [8] [3] =0; } //B83 if ((keysB[8][4] ==0) and (lastB[8][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 83, velocity); lastB [8] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[8][4] ==1) and (lastB[8][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 83, velocity); lastB [8] [4] =0; } //B84 if ((keysB[8][5] ==0) and (lastB[8][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 84, velocity); lastB [8] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[8][5] ==1) and (lastB[8][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 84, velocity); lastB [8] [5] =0; } //B85 if ((keysB[9][0] ==0) and (lastB[9][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 85, velocity); lastB [9] [0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[9][0] ==1) and (lastB[9][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 85, velocity); lastB [9] [0] =0; } //B86 if ((keysB[9][1] ==0) and (lastB[9][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 86, velocity); lastB [9] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[9][1] ==1) and (lastB[9][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 86, velocity); lastB [9] [1] =0; } //B87 if ((keysB[9][2] ==0) and (lastB[9][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 87, velocity); lastB [9] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[9][2] ==1) and (lastB[9][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 87, velocity); lastB [9] [2] =0; } //B88 if ((keysB[9][3] ==0) and (lastB[9][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 88, velocity); lastB [9] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[9][3] ==1) and (lastB[9][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 88, velocity); lastB [9] [3] =0; } //B89 if ((keysB[9][4] ==0) and (lastB[9][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 89, velocity); lastB [9] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[9][4] ==1) and (lastB[9][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 89, velocity); lastB [9] [4] =0; } //B90 if ((keysB[9][5] ==0) and (lastB[9][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 90, velocity); lastB [9] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[9][5] ==1) and (lastB[9][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 90, velocity); lastB [9] [5] =0; } //B91 if ((keysB[10][0] ==0) and (lastB[10][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 91, velocity); lastB [10] [0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[10][0] ==1) and (lastB[10][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 91, velocity); lastB [10] [0] =0; } //B92 if ((keysB[10][1] ==0) and (lastB[10][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 92, velocity); lastB [10] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[10][1] ==1) and (lastB[10][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 92, velocity); lastB [10] [1] =0; } //B93 if ((keysB[10][2] ==0) and (lastB[10][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 93, velocity); lastB [10] [2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[10][2] ==1) and (lastB[10][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 93, velocity); lastB [10] [2] =0; } //B94 if ((keysB[10][3] ==0) and (lastB[10][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 94, velocity); lastB [10] [3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[10][3] ==1) and (lastB[10][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 94, velocity); lastB [10] [3] =0; } //B95 if ((keysB[10][4] ==0) and (lastB[10][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 95, velocity); lastB [10] [4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[10][4] ==1) and (lastB[10][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 95, velocity); lastB [10] [4] =0; } //B96 if ((keysB[10][5] ==0) and (lastB[10][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 96, velocity); lastB [10] [5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysB[10][5] ==1) and (lastB[10][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 96, velocity); lastB [10] [5] =0; } //Write Keyboard C //C36 if ((keysC[0][0] ==0) and (lastC[0][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 36, velocity); lastC [0] [0] =7; } if ((keysC[0][0] ==1) and (lastC[0][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 36, velocity); lastC [0] [0] =0; } //C37 if ((keysC[1][0] ==0) and (lastC[1][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 37, velocity); lastC [1] [0] =7; } if ((keysC[1][0] ==1) and (lastC[1][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 37, velocity); lastC [1] [0] =0; } //C38 if ((keysC[1][1] ==0) and (lastC[1][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 38, velocity); lastC [1] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][1] ==1) and (lastC[1][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 38, velocity); lastC[1][1] =0; } //C39 if ((keysC[1][2] ==0) and (lastC[1][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 39, velocity); lastC[1][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][2] ==1) and (lastC[1][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 39, velocity); lastC[1][2] =0; } //C40 if ((keysC[1][3] ==0) and (lastC[1][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 40, velocity); lastC[1][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][3] ==1) and (lastC[1][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 40, velocity); lastC[1][3] =0; } //C41 if ((keysC[1][4] ==0) and (lastC[1][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 41, velocity); lastC[1][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][4] ==1) and (lastC[1][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 41, velocity); lastC[1][4] =0; } //C42 if ((keysC[1][5] ==0) and (lastC[1][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 42, velocity); lastC[1][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][5] ==1) and (lastC[1][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 42, velocity); lastC[1][5] =0; } //C43 if ((keysC[2][0] ==0) and (lastC[2][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 43, velocity); lastC[2][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][0] ==1) and (lastC[2][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 43, velocity); lastC[2][0] =0; } //C44 if ((keysC[2][1] ==0) and (lastC[2][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 44, velocity); lastC[2][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][1] ==1) and (lastC[2][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 44, velocity); lastC[2][1] =0; } //B45 if ((keysC[2][2] ==0) and (lastC[2][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 45, velocity); lastC[2][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][2] ==1) and (lastC[2][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 45, velocity); lastC[2][2] =0; } //C46 if ((keysC[2][3] ==0) and (lastC[2][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 46, velocity); lastC[2][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][3] ==1) and (lastC[2][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 46, velocity); lastC[2][3] =0; } //C47 if ((keysC[2][4] ==0) and (lastC[2][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 47, velocity); lastC[2][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][4] ==1) and (lastC[2][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 47, velocity); lastC[2][4] =0; } //C48 if ((keysC[2][5] ==0) and (lastC[2][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 48, velocity); lastC[2][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][5] ==1) and (lastC[2][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 48, velocity); lastC[2][5] =0; } //C49 if ((keysC[3][0] ==0) and (lastC[3][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 49, velocity); lastC[3][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][0] ==1) and (lastC[3][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 49, velocity); lastC[3][0] =0; } //C50 if ((keysC[3][1] ==0) and (lastC[3][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 50, velocity); lastC[3][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][1] ==1) and (lastC[3][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 50, velocity); lastC[3][1] =0; } //C51 if ((keysC[3][2] ==0) and (lastC[3][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 51, velocity); lastC[3][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][2] ==1) and (lastC[3][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 51, velocity); lastC[3][2] =0; } //C52 if ((keysC[3][3] ==0) and (lastC[3][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 52, velocity); lastC[3][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][3] ==1) and (lastC[3][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 52, velocity); lastC[3][3] =0; } //C53 if ((keysC[3][4] ==0) and (lastC[3][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 53, velocity); lastC[3][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][4] ==1) and (lastC[3][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 53, velocity); lastC[3][4] =0; } //C54 if ((keysC[3][5] ==0) and (lastC[3][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 54, velocity); lastC[3][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][5] ==1) and (lastC[3][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 54, velocity); lastC[3][5] =0; } //C55 if ((keysC[4][0] ==0) and (lastC[4][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 55, velocity); lastC[4][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][0] ==1) and (lastC[4][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 55, velocity); lastC[4][0] =0; } //C56 if ((keysC[4][1] ==0) and (lastC[4][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 56, velocity); lastC[4][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][1] ==1) and (lastC[4][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 56, velocity); lastC[4][1] =0; } //C57 if ((keysC[4][2] ==0) and (lastC[4][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 57, velocity); lastC[4][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][2] ==1) and (lastC[4][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 57, velocity); lastC[4][2] =0; } //C58 if ((keysC[4][3] ==0) and (lastC[4][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 58, velocity); lastC[4][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][3] ==1) and (lastC[4][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 58, velocity); lastC[4][3] =0; } //C59 if ((keysC[4][4] ==0) and (lastC[4][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 59, velocity); lastC[4][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][4] ==1) and (lastC[4][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 59, velocity); lastC[4][4] =0; } //C60 if ((keysC[4][5] ==0) and (lastC[4][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 60, velocity); lastC[4][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][5] ==1) and (lastC[4][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 60, velocity); lastC[4][5] =0; } //C61 if ((keysC[5][0] ==0) and (lastC[5][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 61, velocity); lastC[5][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][0] ==1) and (lastC[5][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 61, velocity); lastC[5][0] =0; } //C62 if ((keysC[5][1] ==0) and (lastC[5][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 62, velocity); lastC[5][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][1] ==1) and (lastC[5][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 62, velocity); lastC[5][1] =0; } //C63 if ((keysC[5][2] ==0) and (lastC[5][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 63, velocity); lastC[5][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][2] ==1) and (lastC[5][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 63, velocity); lastC[5][2] =0; } //C64 if ((keysC[5][3] ==0) and (lastC[5][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 64, velocity); lastC[5][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][3] ==1) and (lastC[5][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 64, velocity); lastC[5][3] =0; } //C65 if ((keysC[5][4] ==0) and (lastC[5][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 65, velocity); lastC[5][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][4] ==1) and (lastC[5][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 65, velocity); lastC[5][4] =0; } //C66 if ((keysC[5][5] ==0) and (lastC[5][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 66, velocity); lastC[5][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][5] ==1) and (lastC[5][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 66, velocity); lastC[5][5] =0; } //C67 if ((keysC[6][0] ==0) and (lastC[6][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 67, velocity); lastC[6][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[6][0] ==1) and (lastC[6][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 67, velocity); lastC[6][0] =0; } //C68 if ((keysC[6][1] ==0) and (lastC[6][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 68, velocity); lastC[6][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[6][1] ==1) and (lastC[6][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 68, velocity); lastC[6][1] =0; } //C69 if ((keysC[6][2] ==0) and (lastC[6][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 69, velocity); lastC[6][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[6][2] ==1) and (lastC[6][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 69, velocity); lastC[6][2] =0; } //C70 if ((keysC[6][3] ==0) and (lastC[6][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 70, velocity); lastC[6][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[6][3] ==1) and (lastC[6][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 70, velocity); lastC[6][3] =0; } //C71 if ((keysC[6][4] ==0) and (lastC[6][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 71, velocity); lastC[6][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[6][4] ==1) and (lastC[6][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 71, velocity); lastC[6][4] =0; } //C72 if ((keysC[6][5] ==0) and (lastC[6][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 72, velocity); lastC[6][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[6][5] ==1) and (lastC[6][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 72, velocity); lastC[6][5] =0; } //C73 if ((keysC[7][0] ==0) and (lastC[7][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 73, velocity); lastC[7][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[7][0] ==1) and (lastC[7][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 73, velocity); lastC[7][0] =0; } //C74 if ((keysC[7][1] ==0) and (lastC[7][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 74, velocity); lastC[7][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[7][1] ==1) and (lastC[7][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 74, velocity); lastC[7][1] =0; } //C75 if ((keysC[7][2] ==0) and (lastC[7][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 75, velocity); lastC[7][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[7][2] ==1) and (lastC[7][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 75, velocity); lastC[7][2] =0; } //C76 if ((keysC[7][3] ==0) and (lastC[7][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 76, velocity); lastC[7][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[7][3] ==1) and (lastC[7][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 76, velocity); lastC[7][3] =0; } //C77 if ((keysC[7][4] ==0) and (lastC[7][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 77, velocity); lastC[7][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[7][4] ==1) and (lastC[7][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 77, velocity); lastC[7][4] =0; } //C78 if ((keysC[7][5] ==0) and (lastC[7][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 78, velocity); lastC[7][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[7][5] ==1) and (lastC[7][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 78, velocity); lastC[7][5] =0; } //C79 if ((keysC[8][0] ==0) and (lastC[8][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 79, velocity); lastC[8][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[8][0] ==1) and (lastC[8][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff2, 79, velocity); lastC[8][0] =0; } //C80 if ((keysC[8][1] ==0) and (lastC[8][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 80, velocity); lastC[8][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[8][1] ==1) and (lastC[8][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 80, velocity); lastC[8][1] =0; } //C81 if ((keysC[8][2] ==0) and (lastC[8][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 81, velocity); lastC[8][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[8][2] ==1) and (lastC[8][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 81, velocity); lastC[8][2] =0; } //C82 if ((keysC[8][3] ==0) and (lastC[8][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 82, velocity); lastC[8][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[8][3] ==1) and (lastC[8][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 82, velocity); lastC[8][3] =0; } //C83 if ((keysC[8][4] ==0) and (lastC[8][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 83, velocity); lastC[8][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[8][4] ==1) and (lastC[8][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 83, velocity); lastC[8][4] =0; } //C84 if ((keysC[8][5] ==0) and (lastC[8][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 84, velocity); lastC[8][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[8][5] ==1) and (lastC[8][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 84, velocity); lastC[8][5] =0; } //C85 if ((keysC[9][0] ==0) and (lastC[9][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 85, velocity); lastC[9][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[9][0] ==1) and (lastC[9][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 85, velocity); lastC[9][0] =0; } //C86 if ((keysC[9][1] ==0) and (lastC[9][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn2, 86, velocity); lastC[9][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[9][1] ==1) and (lastC[9][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 86, velocity); lastC[9][1] =0; } //C87 if ((keysC[9][2] ==0) and (lastC[9][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 87, velocity); lastC[9][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[9][2] ==1) and (lastC[9][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 87, velocity); lastC[9][2] =0; } //C88 if ((keysC[9][3] ==0) and (lastC[9][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 88, velocity); lastC[9][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[9][3] ==1) and (lastC[9][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 88, velocity); lastC[9][3] =0; } //C89 if ((keysC[9][4] ==0) and (lastC[9][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 89, velocity); lastC[9][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[9][4] ==1) and (lastC[9][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 89, velocity); lastC[9][4] =0; } //C90 if ((keysC[9][5] ==0) and (lastC[9][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 90, velocity); lastC[9][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[9][5] ==1) and (lastC[9][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 90, velocity); lastC[9][5] =0; } //C91 if ((keysC[10][0] ==0) and (lastC[10][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 91, velocity); lastC[10][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[10][0] ==1) and (lastC[10][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 91, velocity); lastC[10][0] =0; } //C92 if ((keysC[10][1] ==0) and (lastC[10][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 92, velocity); lastC[10][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[10][1] ==1) and (lastC[10][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 92, velocity); lastC[10][1] =0; } //C93 if ((keysC[10][2] ==0) and (lastC[10][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 93, velocity); lastC[10][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[10][2] ==1) and (lastC[10][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 93, velocity); lastC[10][2] =0; } //C94 if ((keysC[10][3] ==0) and (lastC[10][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 94, velocity); lastC[10][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[10][3] ==1) and (lastC[10][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 94, velocity); lastC[10][3] =0; } //C95 if ((keysC[10][4] ==0) and (lastC[10][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 95, velocity); lastC[10][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[10][4] ==1) and (lastC[10][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 95, velocity); lastC[10][4] =0; } //C96 if ((keysC[10][5] ==0) and (lastC[10][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 96, velocity); lastC[10][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[10][5] ==1) and (lastC[10][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 96, velocity); lastC[10][5] =0; } //Write Keyboard D //D36 if ((keysD[0][0] ==0) and (lastD[0][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 36, velocity); lastD[0][0] =7; } if ((keysD[0][0] ==1) and (lastD[0][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 36, velocity); lastD[0][0] =0; } //D37 if ((keysD[1][0] ==0) and (lastD[1][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 37, velocity); lastD[1][0] =7; } if ((keysD[1][0] ==1) and (lastD[1][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 37, velocity); lastD[1][0] =0; } //D38 if ((keysD[1][1] ==0) and (lastD[1][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 38, velocity); lastD[1][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[1][1] ==1) and (lastD[1][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 38, velocity); lastD[1][1] =0; } //D39 if ((keysD[1][2] ==0) and (lastD[1][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 39, velocity); lastD[1][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[1][2] ==1) and (lastD[1][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 39, velocity); lastD[1][2] =0; } //D40 if ((keysD[1][3] ==0) and (lastD[1][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 40, velocity); lastD[1][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[1][3] ==1) and (lastD[1][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 40, velocity); lastD[1][3] =0; } //D41 if ((keysD[1][4] ==0) and (lastD[1][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 41, velocity); lastD[1][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[1][4] ==1) and (lastD[1][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 41, velocity); lastD[1][4] =0; } //D42 if ((keysD[1][5] ==0) and (lastD[1][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 42, velocity); lastD[1][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[1][5] ==1) and (lastD[1][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 42, velocity); lastD[1][5] =0; } //D43 if ((keysD[2][0] ==0) and (lastD[2][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 43, velocity); lastD[2][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[2][0] ==1) and (lastD[2][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 43, velocity); lastD[2][0] =0; } //B44 if ((keysD[2][1] ==0) and (lastD[2][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 44, velocity); lastD[2][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[2][1] ==1) and (lastD[2][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 44, velocity); lastD[2][1] =0; } //D45 if ((keysD[2][2] ==0) and (lastD[2][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 45, velocity); lastD[2][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[2][2] ==1) and (lastD[2][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 45, velocity); lastD[2][2] =0; } //D46 if ((keysD[2][3] ==0) and (lastD[2][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 46, velocity); lastD[2][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[2][3] ==1) and (lastD[2][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 46, velocity); lastD[2][3] =0; } //D47 if ((keysD[2][4] ==0) and (lastD[2][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 47, velocity); lastD[2][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[2][4] ==1) and (lastD[2][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 47, velocity); lastD[2][4] =0; } //D48 if ((keysD[2][5] ==0) and (lastD[2][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 48, velocity); lastD[2][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[2][5] ==1) and (lastD[2][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 48, velocity); lastD[2][5] =0; } //D49 if ((keysD[3][0] ==0) and (lastD[3][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 49, velocity); lastD[3][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[3][0] ==1) and (lastD[3][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 49, velocity); lastD[3][0] =0; } //D50 if ((keysD[3][1] ==0) and (lastD[3][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 50, velocity); lastD[3][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[3][1] ==1) and (lastD[3][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 50, velocity); lastD[3][1] =0; } //D51 if ((keysD[3][2] ==0) and (lastD[3][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 51, velocity); lastD[3][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[3][2] ==1) and (lastD[3][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 51, velocity); lastD[3][2] =0; } //D52 if ((keysD[3][3] ==0) and (lastD[3][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 52, velocity); lastD[3][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[3][3] ==1) and (lastD[3][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 52, velocity); lastD[3][3] =0; } //D53 if ((keysD[3][4] ==0) and (lastD[3][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 53, velocity); lastD[3][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[3][4] ==1) and (lastD[3][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 53, velocity); lastD[3][4] =0; } //D54 if ((keysD[3][5] ==0) and (lastD[3][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 54, velocity); lastD[3][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[3][5] ==1) and (lastD[3][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 54, velocity); lastD[3][5] =0; } //D55 if ((keysD[4][0] ==0) and (lastD[4][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 55, velocity); lastD[4][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[4][0] ==1) and (lastD[4][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 55, velocity); lastD[4][0] =0; } //D56 if ((keysD[4][1] ==0) and (lastD[4][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 56, velocity); lastD[4][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[4][1] ==1) and (lastD[4][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 56, velocity); lastD[4][1] =0; } //D57 if ((keysD[4][2] ==0) and (lastD[4][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 57, velocity); lastD[4][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[4][2] ==1) and (lastD[4][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 57, velocity); lastD[4][2] =0; } //D58 if ((keysD[4][3] ==0) and (lastD[4][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 58, velocity); lastD[4][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[4][3] ==1) and (lastD[4][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 58, velocity); lastD[4][3] =0; } //D59 if ((keysD[4][4] ==0) and (lastD[4][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 59, velocity); lastD[4][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[4][4] ==1) and (lastD[4][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 59, velocity); lastD[4][4] =0; } //D60 if ((keysD[4][5] ==0) and (lastD[4][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 60, velocity); lastD[4][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[4][5] ==1) and (lastD[4][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 60, velocity); lastD[4][5] =0; } //D61 if ((keysD[5][0] ==0) and (lastD[5][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 61, velocity); lastD[5][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[5][0] ==1) and (lastD[5][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 61, velocity); lastD[5][0] =0; } //D62 if ((keysD[5][1] ==0) and (lastD[5][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 62, velocity); lastD[5][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[5][1] ==1) and (lastD[5][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 62, velocity); lastD[5][1] =0; } //D63 if ((keysD[5][2] ==0) and (lastD[5][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 63, velocity); lastD[5][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[5][2] ==1) and (lastD[5][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 63, velocity); lastD[5][2] =0; } //D64 if ((keysD[5][3] ==0) and (lastD[5][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 64, velocity); lastD[5][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[5][3] ==1) and (lastD[5][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 64, velocity); lastD[5][3] =0; } //D65 if ((keysD[5][4] ==0) and (lastD[5][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 65, velocity); lastD[5][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[5][4] ==1) and (lastD[5][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 65, velocity); lastD[5][4] =0; } //D66 if ((keysD[5][5] ==0) and (lastD[5][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 66, velocity); lastD[5][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[5][5] ==1) and (lastD[5][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 66, velocity); lastD[5][5] =0; } //D67 if ((keysD[6][0] ==0) and (lastD[6][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 67, velocity); lastD[6][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[6][0] ==1) and (lastD[6][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 67, velocity); lastD[6][0] =0; } //D68 if ((keysD[6][1] ==0) and (lastD[6][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 68, velocity); lastD[6][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[6][1] ==1) and (lastD[6][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 68, velocity); lastD[6][1] =0; } //D69 if ((keysD[6][2] ==0) and (lastD[6][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 69, velocity); lastD[6][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[6][2] ==1) and (lastD[6][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 69, velocity); lastD[6][2] =0; } //D70 if ((keysD[6][3] ==0) and (lastD[6][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 70, velocity); lastD[6][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[6][3] ==1) and (lastD[6][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 70, velocity); lastD[6][3] =0; } //D71 if ((keysD[6][4] ==0) and (lastD[6][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 71, velocity); lastD[6][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[6][4] ==1) and (lastD[6][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 71, velocity); lastD[6][4] =0; } //D72 if ((keysD[6][5] ==0) and (lastD[6][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 72, velocity); lastD[6][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[6][5] ==1) and (lastD[6][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 72, velocity); lastD[6][5] =0; } //D73 if ((keysD[7][0] ==0) and (lastD[7][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 73, velocity); lastD[7][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[7][0] ==1) and (lastD[7][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 73, velocity); lastD[7][0] =0; } //D74 if ((keysD[7][1] ==0) and (lastD[7][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 74, velocity); lastD[7][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[7][1] ==1) and (lastD[7][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 74, velocity); lastD[7][1] =0; } //D75 if ((keysD[7][2] ==0) and (lastD[7][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 75, velocity); lastD[7][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[7][2] ==1) and (lastD[7][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 75, velocity); lastD[7][2] =0; } //D76 if ((keysD[7][3] ==0) and (lastD[7][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 76, velocity); lastD[7][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[7][3] ==1) and (lastD[7][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 76, velocity); lastD[7][3] =0; } //D77 if ((keysD[7][4] ==0) and (lastD[7][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 77, velocity); lastD[7][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[7][4] ==1) and (lastD[7][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 77, velocity); lastD[7][4] =0; } //D78 if ((keysD[7][5] ==0) and (lastD[7][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 78, velocity); lastD[7][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[7][5] ==1) and (lastD[7][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 78, velocity); lastD[7][5] =0; } //D79 if ((keysD[8][0] ==0) and (lastD[8][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 79, velocity); lastD[8][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[8][0] ==1) and (lastD[8][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 79, velocity); lastD[8][0] =0; } //D80 if ((keysD[8][1] ==0) and (lastD[8][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 80, velocity); lastD[8][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[8][1] ==1) and (lastD[8][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 80, velocity); lastD[8][1] =0; } //D81 if ((keysD[8][2] ==0) and (lastD[8][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 81, velocity); lastD[8][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[8][2] ==1) and (lastD[8][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 81, velocity); lastD[8][2] =0; } //D82 if ((keysD[8][3] ==0) and (lastD[8][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 82, velocity); lastD[8][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[8][3] ==1) and (lastD[8][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 82, velocity); lastD[8][3] =0; } //D83 if ((keysD[8][4] ==0) and (lastD[8][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 83, velocity); lastD[8][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[8][4] ==1) and (lastD[8][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 83, velocity); lastD[8][4] =0; } //D84 if ((keysD[8][5] ==0) and (lastD[8][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 84, velocity); lastD[8][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[8][5] ==1) and (lastD[8][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 84, velocity); lastD[8][5] =0; } //D85 if ((keysD[9][0] ==0) and (lastD[9][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 85, velocity); lastD[9][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[9][0] ==1) and (lastD[9][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 85, velocity); lastD[9][0] =0; } //D86 if ((keysD[9][1] ==0) and (lastD[9][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 86, velocity); lastD[9][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[9][1] ==1) and (lastD[9][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 86, velocity); lastD[9][1] =0; } //D87 if ((keysD[9][2] ==0) and (lastD[9][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 87, velocity); lastD[9][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[9][2] ==1) and (lastD[9][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 87, velocity); lastD[9][2] =0; } //D88 if ((keysD[9][3] ==0) and (lastD[9][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 88, velocity); lastD[9][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[9][3] ==1) and (lastD[9][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 88, velocity); lastD[9][3] =0; } //D89 if ((keysD[9][4] ==0) and (lastD[9][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 89, velocity); lastD[9][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[9][4] ==1) and (lastD[9][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 89, velocity); lastD[9][4] =0; } //D90 if ((keysD[9][5] ==0) and (lastD[9][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 90, velocity); lastD[9][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[9][5] ==1) and (lastD[9][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 90, velocity); lastD[9][5] =0; } //D91 if ((keysD[10][0] ==0) and (lastD[10][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 91, velocity); lastD[10][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[10][0] ==1) and (lastD[10][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 91, velocity); lastD[10][0] =0; } //D92 if ((keysD[10][1] ==0) and (lastD[10][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 92, velocity); lastD[10][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[10][1] ==1) and (lastD[10][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 92, velocity); lastD[10][1] =0; } //D93 if ((keysD[10][2] ==0) and (lastD[10][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 93, velocity); lastD[10][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[10][2] ==1) and (lastD[10][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 93, velocity); lastD[10][2] =0; } //D94 if ((keysD[10][3] ==0) and (lastD[10][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 94, velocity); lastD[10][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[10][3] ==1) and (lastD[10][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 94, velocity); lastD[10][3] =0; } //D95 if ((keysD[10][4] ==0) and (lastD[10][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 95, velocity); lastD[10][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[10][4] ==1) and (lastD[10][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 95, velocity); lastD[10][4] =0; } //D96 if ((keysD[10][5] ==0) and (lastD[10][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOn4, 96, velocity); lastD[10][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysD[10][5] ==1) and (lastD[10][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOff4, 96, velocity); lastD[10][5] =0; } //Write Keyboard C, only for inverted switches, first 32 notes only. /* //C36 if ((keysC[0][0] ==0) and (lastC[0][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 36, velocity); lastC [0] [0] =7; } if ((keysC[0][0] ==1) and (lastC[0][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 36, velocity); lastC [0] [0] =0; } //C37 if ((keysC[1][0] ==0) and (lastC[1][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 37, velocity); lastC [1] [0] =7; } if ((keysC[1][0] ==1) and (lastC[1][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 37, velocity); lastC [1] [0] =0; } //C38 if ((keysC[1][1] ==0) and (lastC[1][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 38, velocity); lastC [1] [1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][1] ==1) and (lastC[1][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 38, velocity); lastC[1][1] =0; } //C39 if ((keysC[1][2] ==0) and (lastC[1][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 39, velocity); lastC[1][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][2] ==1) and (lastC[1][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 39, velocity); lastC[1][2] =0; } //C40 if ((keysC[1][3] ==0) and (lastC[1][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 40, velocity); lastC[1][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][3] ==1) and (lastC[1][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 40, velocity); lastC[1][3] =0; } //C41 if ((keysC[1][4] ==0) and (lastC[1][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 41, velocity); lastC[1][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][4] ==1) and (lastC[1][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 41, velocity); lastC[1][4] =0; } //C42 if ((keysC[1][5] ==0) and (lastC[1][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 42, velocity); lastC[1][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[1][5] ==1) and (lastC[1][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 42, velocity); lastC[1][5] =0; } //C43 if ((keysC[2][0] ==0) and (lastC[2][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 43, velocity); lastC[2][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][0] ==1) and (lastC[2][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 43, velocity); lastC[2][0] =0; } //C44 if ((keysC[2][1] ==0) and (lastC[2][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 44, velocity); lastC[2][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][1] ==1) and (lastC[2][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 44, velocity); lastC[2][1] =0; } //C45 if ((keysC[2][2] ==0) and (lastC[2][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 45, velocity); lastC[2][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][2] ==1) and (lastC[2][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 45, velocity); lastC[2][2] =0; } //C46 if ((keysC[2][3] ==0) and (lastC[2][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 46, velocity); lastC[2][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][3] ==1) and (lastC[2][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 46, velocity); lastC[2][3] =0; } //C47 if ((keysC[2][4] ==0) and (lastC[2][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 47, velocity); lastC[2][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][4] ==1) and (lastC[2][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 47, velocity); lastC[2][4] =0; } //C48 if ((keysC[2][5] ==0) and (lastC[2][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 48, velocity); lastC[2][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[2][5] ==1) and (lastC[2][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 48, velocity); lastC[2][5] =0; } //C49 if ((keysC[3][0] ==0) and (lastC[3][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 49, velocity); lastC[3][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][0] ==1) and (lastC[3][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 49, velocity); lastC[3][0] =0; } //C50 if ((keysC[3][1] ==0) and (lastC[3][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 50, velocity); lastC[3][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][1] ==1) and (lastC[3][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 50, velocity); lastC[3][1] =0; } //C51 if ((keysC[3][2] ==0) and (lastC[3][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 51, velocity); lastC[3][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][2] ==1) and (lastC[3][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 51, velocity); lastC[3][2] =0; } //C52 if ((keysC[3][3] ==0) and (lastC[3][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 52, velocity); lastC[3][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][3] ==1) and (lastC[3][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 52, velocity); lastC[3][3] =0; } //C53 if ((keysC[3][4] ==0) and (lastC[3][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 53, velocity); lastC[3][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][4] ==1) and (lastC[3][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 53, velocity); lastC[3][4] =0; } //C54 if ((keysC[3][5] ==0) and (lastC[3][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 54, velocity); lastC[3][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[3][5] ==1) and (lastC[3][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 54, velocity); lastC[3][5] =0; } //C55 if ((keysC[4][0] ==0) and (lastC[4][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 55, velocity); lastC[4][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][0] ==1) and (lastC[4][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 55, velocity); lastC[4][0] =0; } //C56 if ((keysC[4][1] ==0) and (lastC[4][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 56, velocity); lastC[4][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][1] ==1) and (lastC[4][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 56, velocity); lastC[4][1] =0; } //C57 if ((keysC[4][2] ==0) and (lastC[4][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 57, velocity); lastC[4][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][2] ==1) and (lastC[4][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 57, velocity); lastC[4][2] =0; } //C58 if ((keysC[4][3] ==0) and (lastC[4][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 58, velocity); lastC[4][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][3] ==1) and (lastC[4][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 58, velocity); lastC[4][3] =0; } //C59 if ((keysC[4][4] ==0) and (lastC[4][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 59, velocity); lastC[4][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][4] ==1) and (lastC[4][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 59, velocity); lastC[4][4] =0; } //C60 if ((keysC[4][5] ==0) and (lastC[4][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 60, velocity); lastC[4][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[4][5] ==1) and (lastC[4][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 60, velocity); lastC[4][5] =0; } //C61 if ((keysC[5][0] ==0) and (lastC[5][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 61, velocity); lastC[5][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][0] ==1) and (lastC[5][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 61, velocity); lastC[5][0] =0; } //C62 if ((keysC[5][1] ==0) and (lastC[5][1] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 62, velocity); lastC[5][1] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][1] ==1) and (lastC[5][1] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 62, velocity); lastC[5][1] =0; } //C63 if ((keysC[5][2] ==0) and (lastC[5][2] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 63, velocity); lastC[5][2] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][2] ==1) and (lastC[5][2] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 63, velocity); lastC[5][2] =0; } //C64 if ((keysC[5][3] ==0) and (lastC[5][3] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 64, velocity); lastC[5][3] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][3] ==1) and (lastC[5][3] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 64, velocity); lastC[5][3] =0; } //C65 if ((keysC[5][4] ==0) and (lastC[5][4] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 65, velocity); lastC[5][4] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][4] ==1) and (lastC[5][4] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 65, velocity); lastC[5][4] =0; } //C66 if ((keysC[5][5] ==0) and (lastC[5][5] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 66, velocity); lastC[5][5] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[5][5] ==1) and (lastC[5][5] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 66, velocity); lastC[5][5] =0; } //C67 if ((keysC[6][0] ==0) and (lastC[6][0] ==0)) { MidiSend(noteOff3, 67, velocity); lastC[6][0] =7; } //Write Midi Note Off if ((keysC[6][0] ==1) and (lastC[6][0] ==7)) { MidiSend(noteOn3, 67, velocity); lastC[6][0] =0; } */ //Expression Pedal controls //Expression pedal on analog pin A13 to Channel 6 int Cur6 =analogRead(13); int Map6 =map(Cur6, 0, 1023, 0, 127); if (abs(Cur6 - LastPot6)>=8) { MidiSend(chan6,Exp,Map6); LastPot6 =Cur6; } //Expression pedal on analog pin A14 to Channel 7 int Cur7 =analogRead(14); int Map7 =map(Cur7, 0, 1023, 0, 127); if (abs(Cur7 - LastPot7)>=8) { MidiSend(chan7,Exp,Map7); LastPot7 =Cur7; } //Expression pedal on analog pin A15 to Channel 8 int Cur8 =analogRead(15); int Map8 =map(Cur8, 0, 1023, 0, 127); if (abs(Cur8 - LastPot8)>=8) { MidiSend(chan8,Exp,Map8); LastPot8 =Cur8; }}void MidiSend(int one, int two, int three) { Serial.write(one); Serial.write(two); Serial.write(three); }
Wiring diagram for 6x11 Matrix keyboards and pedalboard with potentiometer inputsWiring diagram for Bussed keyboards with potentiometer inputs製造プロセス