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レベル0の自動化 –それは個々のユニットの制御で構成されています。自動化された領域内の個々のユニットは、接続されたセンサー、トランスデューサー、回転トランスデューサー、ドライブ、制御、および制御回路を使用して制御されます。直接手動制御は、レベル0自動化システムによって順番に処理されるユニット、ドライブ、およびインターロックを介して実行されます。ほとんどの安全メカニズムもこのレベルで保存されます。

レベル1の自動化 – PLC(プログラマブルロジックコントローラー)制御を介してユニットのグループを制御します。 レベル1自動化システムによって処理されるタスクには、1つの自動化領域内の複数のデバイスの制御システムが含まれます。制御タスクは通常、PLCモジュールとマイクロコントローラーによってリアルタイムで実行されます。システム応答時間間隔は、PLC制御の場合は20ミリ秒(ms)から150ミリ秒、マイクロコントローラーの場合は10ミリ秒から20ミリ秒です(たとえば、モーションコントローラ)。これらのシステムの応答時間は厳しく制限されているため、複雑な生産プロセスモデルを実装することはできません。たとえば、モバイルユニットを使用した資材追跡やカバレッジ計画に関連するタスクは、他の自動化レベルに委任されます。

連続鋳造機のレベル1自動化機能には、通常、(i)タレット、ダミーバーカー、およびタンディッシュの制御、(ii)ダミーバーの位置の決定、(iii)ドライブローラーの調整、( iv)幅の調整、金型のテーパー、金型レベルの制御、および(iv)一次および二次冷却システムで選択した設定値に応じた空気と水の調整

レベル2の自動化 –レベル2の自動化は、プロセス制御用です。レベル2の自動化システムは、生産プロセスの効率と品質保証を決定する上で重要な役割を果たします。レベル2の自動化システムは、運用エンジニアまたは関連する標準によって事前に定義された指示と設定を使用して、鋳造プロセスを管理および監視します。さらに、各鋳造指示には、目標製品の品質を生み出すための最良の条件を示す一連の品質評価パラメーターが含まれています。一連の冶金モデルを使用することで、鋳造プロセスを完全に自動化でき、オペレーターの入力や介入の必要性を最小限に抑えることができます。プロセスモデルは、すべての学部を接続して、全体的なパフォーマンスの最適化を実現します。


連続鋳造プロセスのレベル2自動化システム要件には、(i)鋳造中のプロセスパラメータの収集と表示、(ii)ストランド、ストランド表面、およびエッジでの3D温度分布の計算(iii)が含まれます。ストランドシェルの成長、凝固長、エッジ収縮、スケール、およびその他の鋳造特性の計算、(iv)ストランド二次冷却システムの動的位置決め、(v)セグメントの動的調整の実行(ソフトリダクション)、(vi )材料の変化と凝固位置の追跡、および(vii)オペレーターの介入の受け入れと転送。

レベル2の自動化に通常含まれるプログラムとモデルには、(i)ストッパー機構を備えた溶鋼フロー制御、(ii)金型レベル制御、(iii)金型粉末レベル制御、(iv)鋳造の自動開始、( v)モールドブレイクアウト防止システム、(vi)モールド、ストランド、および最終攪拌、(vii)油圧モールド振動、(viii)ヒートトラッキングモデル、(ix)リアルタイム品質評価、(x)カット最適化モデル、( xi)リアルタイムストランド凝固モデル、(xii)オンライン/オフライン凝固曲線計算機、(xiii)動的機械的軟質還元、(xiv)動的二次冷却制御、(xv)鋳造製品マーキングマシン、(xvi)光学製品認識システム、(xvii)プロセス分析とシミュレーション、(xviii)冶金データ管理、(xix)生産遅延検出、(xx)機器寿命追跡、および(xxi)三次冷却を含む鋳造製品処理ロジスティクス。



レベル3 –レベル3の自動化は、生産計画用です。鋳造プログラム、作業のスケジュールと準備、店舗管理などの生産計画の生成、および保守計画、シャットダウン時間、保守タスクを扱います。

分散型レベル2自動化システムのソフトウェアアーキテクチャ –レベル2の自動化システムが満たす必要のある重要な要件は、統合された数学モデルと、レベル1の制御システム、レベル3の計画システム、接続されたデータベース、および連続鋳造機の操作担当者との安定した安全な通信です。 。レベル2の自動化の設計と構成では、さまざまなコンポーネント、それらのインターフェイス、および接続されたデータソースが重要であり、すべてのコンポーネントの動作ロジックを過小評価してはなりません。

レベル2自動化システムに統合された数学的生産プロセスモデルは、プロセス制御システムの中核を形成します。プロセスの実際のステータスを監視することにより、モデルにレベル1自動化システムからの実際の値を継続的に提供できます。一方、データには、短期計画の結果、およびレベル3自動化システムからの材料と注文のデータも補足されます。計算結果と製造工程の全体像は、ユーザーインターフェース上で操作担当者用の連続鋳造機に表示されます。運転員による必要なプロセス制御介入は、速度設定などのレベル1自動化システム入力マスクと、制御レジーム(基準温度およびスプレープラン制御)の変更などのレベル2自動化システムユーザーインターフェイスの両方を使用して実行できます。 。






連続鋳造プロセスにおける機器の主な機能は、(i)連続鋳造の機械的および冶金学的機能の性能を制御するために利用されるパラメーターを測定し、(ii)各鋳造セクションに品質評価を割り当てることです。(iii )操作と機械の問題を診断し、(iv)製品の品質と生産性を鋳造機の設計と操作に関連付ける知識を開発します。






物理モデリング –水を使用して溶鋼をシミュレートするなど、連続鋳造プロセスの物理モデリングにより、連続鋳造プロセス中の溶鋼の流動挙動をかなり詳しく知ることができます。連続鋳造プロセスにおける流体の流れについてのこれまでの理解は、主に物理的な水モデルを使用した実験を通じてもたらされました。この手法は、プロセスに実装する前に、新しい構成の効果をテストして理解するための便利な方法です。フルスケールモデルには、オペレーターのトレーニングと理解を提供するという重要な追加の利点があります。







計算または数学的モデリング –現在、計算コストの削減と商用モデリングパッケージの能力の向上により、溶鋼の連続鋳造プロセスの複雑な材料プロセスステップを理解するための追加ツールとして数学モデルを適用することが容易になっています。計算モデルには、等温水モデルでは困難な、熱伝達、粒子運動、二層流などの他の現象への拡張が容易であるという利点があります。計算モデルは、溶鋼が経験する流動状態をより忠実に表現することもできます。たとえば、ストランド水モデルを出る流れを妨げる物理的な底は必要なく、移動する固化シェルの存在を考慮に入れることができます。

数学モデルは、連続鋳造プロセスに重要な現象のほとんどをシミュレートできるようになりました。これらには、(i)複雑な形状(入口ノズルおよびストランド液体プール)での完全に乱流の一時的な流体の動き、アルゴン気泡、熱および溶質の浮力の影響、(ii)粉末相と鋼相内およびそれらの間の熱力学的反応が含まれます。 (iii)鋼の上面に浮かぶ液体および固体の流体層内の流れと熱の輸送、(iv)表面張力、振動、重力による影響を含む、自由な液体の表面と界面の動的な動き波、およびいくつかの段階での流れ、(v)乱流液体鋼を介した過熱の輸送、(vi)溶質の輸送(グレード変更中の混合を含む)、(vii)液体を介した複雑な形状の介在物の輸送、浮力、乱流相互作用、および介在物の閉じ込めの可能性がノズル壁、気泡、固化鋼壁、および上面に及ぼす影響、(viii)メニスカス領域での熱的、流体的、および機械的相互作用凝固メニスカス、固体スラグリム、浸透液フラックス、溶鋼、粉末層、および介在物粒子の間、(ix)凝固鋼シェルを通る熱輸送、シェルと金型の間の界面(粉末層と成長するエアギャップを含む) 、および銅型、(x)シェルと型の間のギャップを下る粉末の大量輸送、(xi)型壁およびサポートロールの歪みと摩耗、(xii)溶融物および型に対する固体結晶の核形成壁、(xiii)デンドライト、粒子および微細構造の成長、相変態、沈殿物形成、および微小偏析を含む鋼シェルの凝固、(xiv)熱収縮、相変態および内部による凝固鋼シェルの収縮応力、(xv)外力(金型摩擦、サポートロール間の膨らみ、引き抜き、重力)による凝固鋼シェル内の応力発生、(xvi)熱ひずみ、クリープ、およびプラ微視的および巨視的スケールの両方で、(温度、グレード、および冷却速度によって変化する)ticity、(xvii)亀裂形成、および(xviii)結合分離。



モデルの最終テストは、結果を実装でき、鉄鋼製品の欠陥の回避などの改善を達成できるかどうかです。この実装には、最終的にプラントの試験が必要です。試験は、物理モデル、数学的モデル、文献、および以前の経験を含む、利用可能なすべてのソースから提供された洞察に基づいて実施されます。計算能力の向上が数値シミュレーションツールの機能を向上させ続けるにつれて、モデリングは、ハイテク連続鋳造プロセスへの将来の進歩においてますます重要な役割を果たします。 Modelling can augment traditional research methods in generating and quantifying the understanding needed to improve any aspect of the process. Areas where advanced computational modelling plays a crucial role in future improvements include (i) transient flow simulation, (ii) mould flux behaviour, (iii) taper design, (iv) on-line quality prediction and control, especially for new problems and processes such as high-speed billet casting, thin slab casting, and strip casting.

Future advances in the continuous casting process are not going to come from models, experiments, or plant trials. They are going to come from ideas generated by people who understand the process and the problems. This understanding is rooted in knowledge, which can be confirmed, deepened, and quantified by tools which include computational models. As the computational tools continue to improve, their importance is increasing in fulfilling this important role, leading to future process advances.

The assumed computing objective and the required accuracy are to be the key in selecting the model. In several cases, the desired information is knowledge of the metallurgical length of the strand and the dynamics of changes in the shell thickness. This is the case when determining a place for carrying out the so‐called soft reduction operation. As can happen when the strand casting speed needs to be changed, a procedure allowing a new cooling intensity to be determined is needed. A problem like this does not need answering a series of questions related to stress occurring in the strand, the structure formed, or potential cast strand defects. Thus, it is understandable that the model is naturally simplified to a form, which still provides a credible answer to the questions which needs solution.

Some of the important models used in the automation and control of the continuous casting process are given below. The models are normally incorporated at the Level 2 automation level.

Dynamic secondary cooling control – There is a third dimension in the dynamic secondary cooling control. The model set up takes the precision and control possibilities to the next dimension allowing completely new philosophies for secondary cooling and soft reduction. When setting up the secondary cooling system, it is prerequisite to consider all known parameters which have a known influence to the calculation of 3-dimensional temperature profile of the strand. All different nozzle types are measured at the nozzle test stand to evaluate the spray water distribution. This derived information is input to the maintenance and setup system (MSS) of the 3D model. The visualized spray distribution can be seen in the maintenance system.

The exact positions of the nozzles in the cooling zones are entered and the spray distribution of one zone can be seen in the MSS. The heat removal of a cooling zone is calculated considering the heat removal of the spray water, rolls, and heat radiation. The MSS allows all cooling-relevant settings to be configured in such a way that the spray-water distribution in the cooling zones and the application of cooling practices are optimized for continuous casting machines. Metallurgical know-how can be easily incorporated into the automation setup. A built-in off-line simulation system enables comprehensive testing of new parameter settings prior to application in the production process.

The Level 2 automation system for secondary cooling provides a mathematical model for calculating the temperatures on the strand surface and inside the strand as a function of the spray plan to be used, the interpolation points in the reference temperature curve, or in relation to time changes for the spray water quantities across the complete machine. The dynamic secondary cooling control system can handle three control regimes namely (i) temperature control, (ii) strand age, and (iii) spray plan control.

In the temperature control regime the dynamic secondary cooling control system calculates the volumes of water for strand secondary cooling which are needed to maintain the specified reference temperature on the strand surface. The strand age regime is one way of controlling the secondary cooling process, taking into account the change in parameters over a given period of time. With the spray plan control regime a spray plan is produced for secondary cooling whereby preset spray water volumes correspond to a specific casting speed. As the change in casting speed takes effect, the spray water volumes are also immediately modified, and the resulting temperatures on the strand surface are displayed to the continuous casting machine operator. If temperature scanners are used in the plant, the dynamic secondary cooling control system is able to adapt to the values delivered by the scanners, so that the coefficients of the strand temperature field calculation can be adapted to the values measured.

Dynamic 3D secondary cooling system – The first-generation dynamic solution was characterized by a two-dimensional temperature calculation of the strand centre. The strand corners were largely neglected by the process model. Continuous improvements in computer performance have now made it possible to calculate the temperature at any point within the entire strand in real time, in a full three-dimensional mode and in a sufficiently fine discretization yielding very detailed temperature profiles as can be seen for strand surface and strand centre.

The model is based on an explicit finite-volume approximation which solves the heat transfer equation and takes into consideration temperature-dependent material properties such as density as well as the position-specific cast product thickness and width. Dynamic 3D secondary cooling system accurately assesses the heat transfer from the cast product surface resulting from radiation, heat transfer to the rolls, natural convection and spray water. Further, the dynamic 3D secondary cooling system can be applied for both spray cooling and air-mist cooling and takes into account the spray distribution pattern of the nozzles and the actual spray water temperature. This ensures an accurate spray-cooling heat transfer prediction to temperatures below 700 deg C when the Leidenfrost phenomenon disappears. The result is an even more precise determination of the strand surface-temperature profile and the final point of strand solidification.

Based on the precise temperature calculations the dynamic 3D secondary cooling system allows specifying the desired surface temperature not only along the strand length, but also across the strand width. Even individual control of the water flow and positioning of each cooling nozzle is possible. The control algorithms of the dynamic 3D secondary cooling system calculate the water flow set-points to achieve the target strand surface temperature values. Pyrometer measurement results show an excellent fit in between calculated and measured lateral strand temperature profile.

Application of the dynamic 3D secondary cooling system allows introducing completely new philosophies to set up cooling practices for upcoming challenges in continuous casting. The combination with moveable spray nozzles (3D sprays) yields unprecedented quality results.

The advanced secondary cooling dynamic 3D model derives correct water flow rates even in transient casting situations such as steel grade changes, casting speed variations, different tundish temperatures, tundish exchanges, and at the beginning and end of a casting sequence. The water flow rate for each cooling zone is calculated to maintain a defined surface temperature profile throughout the entire casting sequence. The maintenance system allows the process engineer to change cooling practices easily and introduce continuous casting shop specific cooling expertise. The off-line simulation system is used to test the effect of the new settings in various casting situations before utilization in the production process.

Dynamic phase calculation of material properties – In order to calculate a 3-dimensional temperature profile of the strand, material properties like enthalpy, solid fraction, density, and conductivity as a function of the temperature are to be known. In case, these properties are experimentally known for a given steel grade composition, these functions can be entered by the process engineers in the MSS, which is very time-consuming. Normally the process engineer does not know these thermo-physical properties. The software model calculates all the thermo-physical data used by 3D model. Dynamic phase calculation of material properties is available as an on-line tool to determine the material properties for the current steel grade analysis.

The traditional approach is to define the thermo-physical properties for grade groups with a pre-defined concentration range of the chemical analysis. Using the dynamic phase calculation, these data can be calculated for each individual steel grade. This makes the prediction of quantities such as the point of complete solidification on the strand and the temperature distribution of the strand during casting more accurate and hence allows for precise metallurgical treatments which can lead to an improved quality of the products. Further, the model indicates whether the current analysis of the steel is peritectic or not and alerts the operator in the event of an unexpected peritectic grade. This can reduce the risk of breakouts and improves quality.

The dynamic phase calculation is based on thermodynamical models. The liquid-solid phase transformation in the high temperature range is described by a Gibbs free energy model in combination with a micro-segregation model. For solid-solid phase transformations in the low temperature range an Avrami type model is employed. The free parameters of the models are determined with the help of experimentally measured quantities. Using off-line simulations of dynamic phase calculation together with the 3D model allows metallurgical development of new steel grades.

Traditionally the steel grades are grouped and a typical chemical analysis for the group is used to determine the material properties. With dynamic phase calculation, the material properties are derived from the actual steel analysis. Calculations can show that there can be a difference in the point of final solidification of half a meter or even more by comparing the results of the actual steel analysis versus the grade group analysis. This fact shows the importance of having an on-line calculation of the actual steel grade in order to improve the quality of the cast products.

Dynamic gap soft reduction – Dynamic gap soft reduction stands for dynamic roll-gap adjustment in the continuous casting process. This is made possible by specially designed strand-guide segments – known as ‘smart segments’ in which the roller gaps can be remotely adjusted for strand thickness changes and for improved internal strand quality. On the basis of the on-line information provided by the dynamic 3D thermal-tracking model, the dynamic gap soft reduction dynamically calculates the set points of the adjustable roll gap.

Supervision of the roll engagement, depending on the state of solidification (liquid, mushy, or solid) and the calculated strand-thickness profile, is a decisive factor for precise roll adjustments and thus improved product quality. An optimized roll engagement also reduces excessive forces on the strand and decreases roller wear. The more accurate control of the roller gaps allows additional casting strategies to be implemented such as liquid-core reduction and intentional bulging soft reduction.つまりintentional dynamic gap increase before the soft reduction area allows for higher thickness reduction in this area. This further improves the casting flexibility and the product quality.

Dynamic gap soft reduction makes it possible to freely define scenarios for start-up, tundish change, and tail out strategies based on the strand thickness, steel grade, and casting status. In this way roll damage and production interruptions, which can arise from the different casting behaviour of the cold strand head or end, can be avoided.

Nozzle expert for early clogged nozzle detection – Cooling water is sprayed through nozzles onto the strand with the objective of achieving uniform cooling of the steel. However, if one or more of these nozzles are clogged, then a section of the strand cannot be uniformly cooled to the required temperature. This can lead to surface defects, and the cast product possibly has to be down-graded. The issue of changing segments in the continuous casting machine is also a source of difficulty. Hoses can easily be ruptured or jammed. Aware of the consequences of leakages or clogged nozzles, maintenance personnel spend a large number of working hours checking whether nozzles are operating properly.

The nozzle expert helps to detect clogged nozzles and broken hoses in the continuous casting machines and thus ensures that the strand is evenly cooled for high quality steel production. It automatically monitors the condition of the nozzles during the casting process. The model can also be manually activated during casting breaks. The advantage is that nozzle status can be checked following maintenance work or segment changes and immediately repaired before the casting process is restarted.

The model calculation considers parameters like nozzle type (measuring results from the nozzle test stand), height between pressure measuring device, water pressure, pipe lengths, pipe diameters, and nozzle positions. Any modifications to the secondary cooling system e.g. use of different nozzle types needs a change in the set-up of the nozzle expert in order to get correct computational results.

The nozzle expert is based on statistical models and indicates the clogging ratio in each zone (e.g., zone 2 nozzles clogged 10 % with a probability of 96 %). Operators need only to inspect zones for which an alarm is generated. Calculations begin automatically with the start cast signal, and the condition of the nozzles is monitored throughout the casting process. Several alarms help to detect leakages, clogged nozzles, and even falsely installed nozzles on a segment.

Inter-mix expert – It improves yield by prior simulations. During sequence casting, a mixing of steel grades takes place in the tundish and therefore in the strand with each ladle change. On the basis of the chemical composition of the steel, the inter-mix expert calculates whether the mixed steel zones can be used for the foreseen product application or if the steel has to be downgraded or even scrapped. Information acquired from tundish flow experiments combined with analysis results of steel samples taken from solidified products ensures a high degree of accuracy of Inter-mix predictions with respect to the actual composition of the mixed steel zones.

The inter-mix expert determines traces of the previously cast heat present in the current heat. Steel mixing takes place not only in the tundish but also in the mould and upper parts of the strand. Mixing in these areas is evaluated by a mix-box-type sub-model of inter-mix which makes it possible to calculate the chemical composition of the steel at any position along the cast strand.

Tundish changes or the use of separator plates are treated individually. Inter-mix calculations are cyclically performed for selected chemical elements starting with the ‘ladle open event’ of a new heat. The final decision about the compatibility of heats cast in sequence is performed by the heat-assignment function of inter-mix. The concentration profiles of certain critical elements which have an impact on the final product disposition (prime, downgraded, or outright rejection) are determined. A deviation is detected if one of the critical elements does not match the steel-grade specification.

The full benefit from the inter-mix model is achieved by combining the model output with the yield expert model which assures maximum prime quality yield by applying cut-length optimization to incompatible steel areas along the strand which are designated as scrap.

Process engineers work with the powerful simulation environment, which makes it possible to simulate any combinations of different steel grades. Input parameters like analysis, tundish weight, and dimensions of the strand can be easily entered and modified and the computed results are made visible in the HMI. Graphs are displayed for single analysis elements or combinations of more elements. Valuable information like volume concentration, mixed steel length, scrap length, and heat ranges on the strand are shown on the bottom of the graphs.

Configuration of the model can be easily done in the MSS. The process engineer can choose which chemical elements are to be used to determine the inter-mix for any grade link. A powerful simulation environment allows simulating the mixing behaviour of two different grades and the computed volume concentration, calculated analysis along the strand, and heat ranges including possible scrap sections are displayed.

Speed expert – The speed expert model is for the optimum casting speed in any casting situation. Selection of a proper casting speed on the continuous casting machine is of high importance. Several aspects (e.g. quality, safety, machine limits, and production requirements) influence the choice of the casting speed. These different aspects are frequently contradictory such as increase in production calls for a high casting speed whereas the safety requirements limit the casting speed. Normally, several continuous casting shops have self-made software solutions to calculate the casting speed considering different aspects. The aim of the speed expert is to cover most aspects and to provide an easy maintenance tool which enables the process engineer to adjust the behaviour of the speed expert to the special needs.

The speed expert calculates cyclically the optimum casting speed. The calculation of the casting speed is based on various rules, which consider the different aspects and are specified in the speed expert practice. Each rule determines a speed range which satisfies its requirements. The speed expert first determines the inter-section of all these speed ranges. If the inter-section is not empty, then it selects a casting speed depending on the predefined strategy, which can be maximum speed, aim speed, or avoid speed changes as long as actual casting speed is in the valid range. If there is a conflict between the different rules, then the inter-section is empty. In this case the pre-selected conflict resolve strategy is applied which can be (i) priority (lower priority rules are to be neglected till a solution can be found), or (ii) minimum of maximum speed (the smallest of all maximum speeds is to be selected).

On the on-line HMI the casting machine operator can view the speed ranges of all rules and the derived optimum casting speed. The casting operator can change the priorities of the different rules, the strategy, and the conflict resolve strategy to fine adjust the calculation if necessary. Speed set-points are sent to Level 1 and can be executed automatically.

MSS is used to define the speed expert practice considering (i) quality related rules consisting of quality expert rule, minimum / aim / maximum speed for the steel grade, superheat, Mn/S ratio, low tundish weight, and optimum soft reduction, (ii) production related rules consisting of heat pacing, start cast, and clearing, and (iii) safety related rules consisting of machine protection, and forecast calculation for minimum and maximum speed.

Optimum soft reduction can be achieved if the final point of solidification is at the end of a strand segment. A pre-calculation assuming steady state conditions determines the required casting speeds for each strand segment.

Yield expert – The aim of the yield expert is to minimize scrap and to optimize the yield. It considers scrap portions, quality defects, weight restrictions, sample cuts, and width changes while producing the maximum number of scheduled products. The important features of the yield expert are (i) optimization of product length or product weight in the case of scrap sections or quality-related defects, (ii) scheduling of mould width adjustments, (iii) scrap section allocation algorithms, (iv) optimization steps can be switched on-line and off-line, and (v) replay of cut-to-length optimization steps, even in actual production situations

Quality expert – Quality expert determines the definitions necessary for the quality-related process parameters, tracks the actual data during production, predicts the quality of the cast products, and automatically determines the subsequent product disposition. It supports the continuous casting machine operators by on-line quality alerts and a preview of the quality of the cast strands in the casting machine. Quality expert is of two distinct types distinguished by basic or comprehensive product quality rating capability.

All the tracked information and calculation results can be transferred from the production module of the quality expert to the so-called discovery system. This system is dedicated to the long-term archiving and evaluation of the huge amount of information tracked.


  1. 連続鋳鋼への介在物とその検出
  2. 転炉の自動化、制御、モデリング
  3. 電気アーク炉の自動制御とモデリング
  4. 高炉プロセスの自動化、測定、および制御システム
  5. シンタープラントの自動化および制御システム
  6. 連続鋳造モールドパウダー
  7. タンディッシュと鋼の連続鋳造におけるその役割
  8. 鋼の連続鋳造の基礎
  9. 連続鋳造プロセスにおける電磁攪拌
  10. 鋼の連続鋳造における金型の役割
  11. ダイカストプロセスの動作原理とその応用