微粉炭注入(PCI)は、高炉(BF)での溶銑(HM)製造のための確立された技術です。これはほとんどのBFで実施されており、すべての新しいBFは通常PCI機能で構築されています。圧入に使用される石炭の組成と特性は、BFの操作、安定性と生産性、HMの品質、およびBFガスの組成に影響を与える可能性があります。 PCIに使用されている石炭については、リンク「http://www.ispatguru.com/coal-for-pulverized-coal-injection-in-blast-furnace/」の記事で説明されています。
微粉炭は、石炭を2つのサイズのいずれかに粉砕します。つまり、(i)石炭の約70%から80%が75ミクロン(マイクロメートル)未満で、残りが2 mm未満である微粉炭、および(ii) 2mmから3mmのトップサイズで、2 mmを超える石炭は2%、75ミクロン未満は20%から30%の制限があります。この石炭サイズを注入するシステムは、粒状石炭注入(GCI)と呼ばれます。粗粉砕には、粉砕および乾燥コストが低く、微粉炭の取り扱いが容易であるという利点があります。細かく粉砕すると、レースウェイの燃え尽き症候群が大きくなります。 PCIはGCIよりも人気のあるテクノロジーです。
石炭は通常、相対的な強度を最適化するためにブレンドされます。ただし、ブレンドはそれらの成分の平均としては動作しませんが、問題のある特性を持つ1つの石炭によって不釣り合いに影響を受ける可能性があります。より軟らかい石炭の優先的な粉砕は、HGIが20以上異なる2つの石炭の混合物を粉砕するときに発生します。 「硬い」石炭と「柔らかい」石炭の混合物の粉砕は、構成石炭の貧弱な特性が混合物を支配する傾向があり、粉砕機の性能がより硬い石炭の性能により近いことを示しています。より柔らかいマセラルの優先的な粉砕は、ブレンドを粉砕するときにも発生する可能性があります。膨潤した粘土を含む石炭は、粉砕機を出て冷却した後、水分を吸収する可能性があります。ブレンドの成分として存在する場合でも、そのような石炭は注入システムの閉塞につながる可能性があります。
石炭と運搬ガスの比率に応じて、石炭は希薄相または高密度相のいずれかで注入容器から羽口に空気圧で運ばれます。石炭の希薄相システムの場合の搬送ガスの負荷は、通常、キャリアガス1kgあたり約10kgの石炭であり、キャリアガスの速度は約15メートル/秒(m / s)から20 m/sです。キャリアガスは通常、N2と空気の混合物であり、圧縮空気が注入容器の下のパイプラインに追加されます。高密度相システムの場合、負荷はキャリアガス1kgあたり約40kgから80kgの石炭であり、キャリアガスの速度は約1 m/sから5m/sです。キャリアガスは通常、N2またはN2と空気の混合物です。
インジェクションランスの出口とレースウェイの後壁の間の石炭の燃焼(物理的距離は約0.7mから2m)は、高温(1400°Cから2200°C)、高圧(約3 kg / sqcmから6kg/ sq cmで、滞留時間が短い(粉砕粒子の場合は10ミリ秒から40ミリ秒)。これらの厳しい条件下では、高レベルの石炭燃焼を実現する必要があります。
- 注入された粉砕粒子(75ミクロン未満)は、O2が豊富な熱風に入るときに急速に加熱されます。加熱速度は運転条件によって決まりますが、毎秒約100℃です。熱風温度は通常1000℃から1200℃で、ガス速度は約180 m/sから250m/sです。
- 粒子の熱分解が起こり、非凝縮性揮発性物質(ガス)、凝縮性揮発性物質(タール)、および炭素質チャーが生成されます。脱気を完了するには、約2ミリ秒から20ミリ秒かかります。
- VMの点火と燃焼は、主にCO2(二酸化炭素)とH2O(水蒸気)を生成するために行われます。これには数ミリ秒かかります。
- 残留チャーの部分燃焼はO2によって行われます。チャー燃焼は、燃焼中に放出される熱の大部分に寄与します。 VMがO2に富む雰囲気に向かって拡散する(結果として大きな反応領域をもたらす)VMの燃焼とは異なり、チャー酸化のためのO2は比較的小さな粒子表面に輸送されなければなりません。結果として、チャーの酸化はより遅いプロセスです。 VMが解放されている限り、VMの化学量論的要件が高いため、O2はチャーの表面に接触できません。
- CO2とH2Oによる残留チャーのガス化により、CO(一酸化炭素)とH2(水素)が生成されます。これは、これらすべてのプロセスの中で最も遅い反応であり、主にレースウェイの外で発生します。
コークス燃焼ではなく石炭の燃焼特性が、優先的に燃焼されるため、レースウェイ内のガス組成と温度分布を支配します。図1は、レースウェイ内で発生する石炭燃焼ステップのいくつかと、ガス組成がどのように変化するかを示しています。 O2の大部分は羽口の鼻の近くで消費されますが、CO2が豊富な雰囲気は中央で生成され、COが豊富な雰囲気はレースウェイの終わりで生成されます。
燃焼の程度(燃焼効率)、したがってレースウェイから輸送される未燃物質の量は、(i)VM含有量、粒子サイズ、密度などの石炭の特性、および(ii)を含むいくつかのパラメーターに依存します。 )運転条件、たとえば、ブラストガスの組成と温度、ランスの位置と設計。
- O2で爆風を強化します。ただし、燃焼度に対する爆風O2の非線形効果を考慮に入れる必要があります。 O2含有量が増えると、燃焼速度の増加は小さくなります。
- 羽口空洞に導入する前に、微粉炭とO2を予備的に混合します。
- 高い燃焼度と高いコークス/石炭置換率の両方を維持するための石炭混合物(通常はVMの含有量が多い石炭と少ない石炭)と燃料混合物の使用。
- Fe酸化物(微細鉄鉱石、Fe含有廃棄物など)、炭酸塩、およびその他のO2に富む添加剤による石炭圧入。
- 化学的および物理的現象の使用。触媒作用、分極化およびその他の効果。
- 運転条件と石炭の特性に応じた石炭粉砕の最適化。
PCIはFTに冷却効果をもたらします。 FTは、スラグと金属の化学的性質、存在するアルカリ元素の蒸発と再循環、および炉床内の金属の流れに影響を与えるため、重要なパラメーターです。 FTの測定は難しいため、一般的にはレースウェイゾーンのエネルギーバランスから計算されます。計算された値は、「レースウェイ断熱火炎温度」(RAFT)または理論的FTとして知られています。 RAFTの計算は、行われた仮定に応じてBFごとに異なる可能性があるため、値を直接比較できない場合があります。負荷の構成と透過性、コークスの品質、吹き付け速度などの要因に応じて、すべてのBFに最適なRAFTがあります。石炭を注入すると、吸熱反応が促進されるため、(全コークス操作と比較して)RAFTが低下します。低VMおよび高VM石炭は、100 kg/tHMあたりそれぞれ80℃から120℃および150℃から220℃の範囲でFTを低下させます。一般に、石炭中のH2 / C(炭素)比が高いほど、冷却効果は大きくなります。 RAFTは、石炭注入率の増加とともに減少します。爆風温度および/またはO2濃縮を上げる、および/または爆風水分を減らすと、石炭の冷却効果を補うことができます。
BF環境をシミュレートする条件下での燃焼実験は、CEが通常石炭VMの増加とともに増加することを示しています。 HV(高揮発性)石炭はガス化が容易で、低揮発性(LV)および中揮発性(MV)石炭と比較して、CVが低く、チャーの量が少ない大量のガスを生成します。したがって、ガス燃焼は、チャー燃焼よりも低品位炭にとってより重要です。ガスの燃焼が不完全な場合、すすが発生する可能性があり、これにより、レースウェイを離れるときにBFの透過性が低下する可能性があります。煤は未燃のチャーよりも反応性が低いです。
石炭の燃焼性能は、構成鉱物の触媒効果により改善したり、過剰な鉱物濃度により遅延したりする可能性があります。 SiO2とAl2O3(アルミナ)は反応速度を遅くする可能性がありますが、カルシウム(Ca)、マグネシウム(Mg)、鉄(Fe)、およびアルカリタイプは反応速度を向上させることができ、触媒効果は下位の石炭でより顕著になります。しかしながら、鉱物に富む粒子の改善された可燃性は、触媒効果ではなく、鉱物および鉱物-鉱物界面を介した反応ガスの好ましい拡散に起因している。チャーの反応性と個々の無機相の間に明確な相関関係がないことは、石炭鉱物の変換に対する温度の影響の違いに関連している可能性があります。通常、反応性の高い石炭やチャーが好まれますが、反応性が高すぎると炉の状態が不安定になる可能性があります。
構成炭間の相互作用は、混合物の可燃性を高める可能性があります。一例として、LV石炭の可燃性は、HV石炭と混合することによって改善することができる。 HV石炭は、より多くのVMを放出し、より高いガス温度場を形成するのに役立ちます。これにより、LV石炭が加熱されます。これにより、脱気、着火、燃焼が促進されます。相乗効果は、HV石炭の割合が高い場合、特定の割合まで、より顕著になります。シミュレートされたBF条件下で、32.5%のVMを持つ約70%のHV石炭と、20%のVMを持つ30%のLV石炭を含むブレンドは、最も高い燃え尽き症候群をもたらしました。
石炭の燃焼性能は、その粒子サイズに影響されます。 For complete conversion, and hence effective utilization of the injected coal, the heating up, devolatilization, pyrolysis and combustion of the particles need to take place in the period between their entry into the hot blast and the raceway boundary. Normally, greater amount of VM is released with reducing coal particle size. This can facilitate gas phase combustion.
Finer particles have higher specific surface areas and thus higher heating rates. The granular coals releases lower amounts of VM than when they are pulverized. Calculated pyrolysis yields indicate that nearly all the VM from the pulverized coals are released whereas it is incomplete in case of the granular coals. The presence of residual VM in the granular coals affects the subsequent CO2 gasification reactivity of the chars. It has also been shown that the extent of devolatilization in the finer particles (45 microns to 75 microns) is more complete than the larger particles (75 microns to 150 microns). The effect is more pronounced for the LV coal (15 % VM) compared to the HV coal (37 % VM). This is since a higher VM release can result in more soot and tar production, produced from secondary reactions of the volatiles. The reactivity of the soot is lower than that of the unburned char. Thus, the lower is the soot formation; the better is the BF stability.
The CE (or burnout) of coal normally increases with decreasing particle size since a higher surface area is available for reaction. Larger particles require a longer time for burnout. The increase is more pronounced as VM content increases in coals. However, the particle size effect is also dependent on O2 stoichiometry, as well as coal rank (and char reactivity). It has been found that larger particles of coal generally have a higher CE (degree of burnout) at O2/C ratios of greater than 2 (fuel lean conditions) under simulated BF conditions. The smaller particles have higher CE under fuel rich conditions (O2/C ratio less than 2).
Operational factors
The effective use of coal needs operational changes to compensate for alterations in the raceway parameters and their effect elsewhere in the BF (such as the thermal state, slag regime and gas dynamics). Measures to intensify the combustion of coal in the tuyere/raceway region, and hence increase the injection rate include (i) increase the amount of O2 in the tuyeres, and (ii) adjustment in the blast temperature and moisture. There are some other measures taken to improve coal combustion, such as preheating the coal and the use of additives. Further, the choice of particle size, and hence the grinding parameters, can also influence the CE.
Oxygen can be added to the tuyere by (i) enrichment of the hot air blast, (ii) injection through the coal lances, and (iii) separate O2 lances. The addition of O2 results into higher availability of O2 for the participation in the combustion of coal in the raceway. Hence, the CE of the coal increases. However, the influence of O2 enrichment on CE is limited. It has been shown through calculation that the CE increases by around 6.7 % for a HV coal (34.5 % VM) and 3.3 % for a LV coal (14 % VM) when O2 enrichment of the hot air blast is raised from 0 % to 6 % by volume. With higher O2 enrichment, CE can actually decrease due to insufficient mixing. Increasing O2 enrichment increases the diffusion of O2, but diminishes the volume of combustion gas which transfers heat to the coal particles. Thus, there is the non-linear effect of blast O2 content on the degree of coal combustion.
Oxygen enrichment of the hot air blast produces both a reduction in bosh gas flow and a rise in FT. The former effect can help counteract the increase in the burden resistance (lower permeability) and the pressure drop associated with high injection rates. The latter effect can help compensate for the cooling effect of the decomposition of the coal VM. The CO and H2 contents also increase with O2 enrichment, resulting in the improved reduction of the iron ore in the central shaft. The CV of the top BF gas normally improves with O2 enrichment.
The lower limit of O2 enrichment is generally determined by the amount needed to maintain the required RAFT, with more O2 needed as the VM content of the coal increases. If the FT becomes too high, then burden descent can become erratic. Too low a FT hampers coal combustion and melting of the ore burden. The upper limit is dependent on maintaining a sufficient top gas temperature. As O2 is increased, the gas mass flow within the BF decreases, which decreases the heat flow to the upper region of the furnace for drying of the burden. The upper limit of the top gas temperature is also governed by the need to protect the top gas equipment. Other limitations to O2 enrichment include its cost and availability.
The position and design of the injection lance influence the CE and ash deposition in the tuyere. However, oxy-coal lance injection (co-annular injection) can produce an insulating effect around the coal particles, resulting in less coal combustion inside the tuyere. This effect carries over into the raceway, and less combustion is the end result. Lowering the O2 lance injection rate in this case improves the CE.
The key measure for combustion at high injection rate is a high blast temperature. O2 enrichment plays a more important role as a means of controlling gas flow in the BF rather than controlling the coal combustion. Normally, a higher hot blast temperature is a cost effective measure than O2 enrichment since it allows a lower consumption of O2. Increased blast temperature also reduces coke consumption, typically 10 kg/tHM for every increase of 40 deg C with PCI, and lead to a small rise in the raceway depth. A higher blast temperature is normally required as the VM of the coal increases. This is due to the lower char reactivity of the low VM coal.
Lowering of blast moisture can help to compensate for the cooling effects of PCI. If the RAFT becomes excessive, then blast moisture can be increased. Raising the hot blast moisture means more H2 in the bosh gas for iron ore reduction. The optimum RAFT in BF operating with higher H2 content can be lower than the BF operating with lower H2. Also, the blast velocity can be adjusted to not only improve coal combustion, but to maintain the needed length of the raceway zone which is critical for obtaining good conditions in the hearth.
Unburnt char
As the injection rate increases, the combustibility of coal tends to decrease resulting in unburnt material (such as char, fines, and fly ash) leaving the raceway. Some of these materials, along with coke debris, collect at the back of the raceway, in the bird’s nest, obstructing the rising gas flow and entrained solids in this area. The majority are swept upwards where they can accumulate under the cohesive zone, decreasing permeability and hence the productivity of the BF.
Changes in the permeability of the lower furnace zone can further affect the HM quality and slag viscosity. The unburnt material tends to collect at positions where large changes in the gas flow occur. Eventually it is entrained into the gas flow, passing through the cohesive zone coke slits, and up the shaft, where it can influence burden permeability, and is finally emitted with the top BF gas. Higher coal injection rates also increase the volume of combustion gases, and hence the gas flow, and change the heat load in the lower part of the BF. In addition, more slag is produced.
The deposition of unburnt fine material is a complex phenomenon consisting of several generation mechanisms, reactions, multiphase flow, buildup and re-entrainment. Different gas flow models have been developed to understand and predict the behaviour of fine material within the BF. With suitable burden charging patterns (such as central coke charging) and the use of stronger coke many of the problems relating to gas flow can be overcome.
Operating experience has shown that most of the unburnt material (char) is consumed within the furnace by the three mechanisms which are (i) gasification with CO2 and H2O, (ii) reaction with liquid iron (carburization), and (iii) reaction with slag. It is advantageous if the unburnt char participates in the ore reduction reactions, thus replaces more of the coke and lowers the amount of unburnt solids in the top BF gas. The three char consumption mechanisms are described below.
The gasification reaction of char with CO2 and H2O begins in the raceway, but because the residence time for fine particles is too short for appreciable reaction, gasification mainly occurs in the BF shaft. The reactions of char C with CO2 (the solution loss or Boudouard reaction) and H2O are slower than char combustion. The char obtained from coal competes with that from coke for CO2 and H2O. Char from coal is more reactive than the char from coke and hence is preferentially gasified. Therefore coke degradation by the solution loss reaction decreases with increasing PCI rates. In general, high VM coal char has a higher CO2 reactivity than low VM coal char. However the char reactivity in case of low VM coal can be improved by blending it with the high VM coal. The CO2 reactivity of coal blends is non-additive.
The reactivity of C in the unburnt char to CO2 and H2O is dependent not only on its surface area (particle size) but also on its structure and composition, as well as the operating conditions in the BF. It has been shown that the CO2 gasification reactivity of coal char increases with temperature upto 1500 deg C, especially between 1300 deg C and 1500 deg C. Complete char gasification usually requires a contact time of around 10 seconds at 1500 deg C. Since the residence time for particles at such high temperatures is too short in a BF, hence char gasification mainly occurs at decreasing temperatures in the furnace shaft.
The properties of char change as it moves up the BF, and thus its reactivity to CO2 and H2O. The reacting atmosphere is not uniform. As an example, the concentrations of CO, CO2, H2 and H2O vary at different locations within the BF. Injection of coal increases the bosh gas H2 concentration. Since the chemical reaction rate of H2 reduction is higher than that of CO, the extent of solution loss reaction diminishes as the bosh gas H2 rises. CO2 and H2O are present in the upper part of the BF due to the reduction of iron ore. Under the conditions here, char gasification by CO2 is expected to be controlled by the rate of the chemical reactions. In the lower part of the BF, char gasification is partly diffusion controlled. Hence, the overall reaction rate of char gasification is probably influenced by the chemical reactivity of char to CO2 in this region. Char reactivity towards CO2 is also influenced by its chemical structure, with less ordered structures being more reactive.
The presence of certain minerals in the char ash, such as Fe and alkalis, can catalyze the CO2 gasification reaction, whereas other minerals, such as SiO2 and Al2O3, can slow down the reaction. These catalytic effects become more prominent for low rank coals. Depending on its composition, ash can also retard the C conversion due to blockage of char particles as a result of increased proportion slag formation in the char particle. In the lower part of the BF, condensed alkalis from the recirculating gases (derived from coal, coke and iron ore) can have a catalytic effect. The loss of C by gasification increases the char ash content.
Carburization of the HM begins in the solid phase within the cohesive zone of the BF, and continues during descent of the metal droplets through the active coke, deadman and hearth zones. Unburnt char and fine material leaving the raceway can contact the dripping liquid metal in the bosh and hearth zones. C and other elements, such as Fe, Si (silicon) and S (sulphur), dissolve from the char into the liquid iron and hence influence the composition of the HM. The dissolution of C contributes to the carburization of liquid iron, and controls the level of char consumption by the HM. It becomes critical when the CE is low. If the HM is close to saturation when it reaches deadman and hearth, the unburnt material cannot be consumed, thus reduces the permeability in these regions. The C can come from unburnt coal as well as from coke. Since the dissolution rate of C from coal char is a slower process than that from coke, C from coke is preferentially consumed.
Carbon dissolution from unburnt char into liquid metal is influenced by the furnace operating conditions and the following factors.
- Char particle size – Unburnt char which maintains its pulverized form reacts very little with the liquid metal and the slag since it cannot penetrate into the liquid. If, however, the char particles are agglomerated into larger particles or captured by the larger pieces of coke, then they behave like bosh coke and carburize the liquid metal up to saturation. However, a tuyere probe sample taken at a BF in Australia indicated that ultrafine coal char particles can react with the dripping liquid metal, and that they are more readily dissolved than ultrafine coke particles. Experiments, though, have shown that the dissolution rate of C from coal char, though at larger particle sizes, is a slower process than that from coke.
- Char structure – Normally, the rate of dissolution improves as the C structure becomes more ordered.
- Char mineral matter – In general, SiO2, Al2O3 and MgO (magnesia) slow the C dissolution kinetics, whilst CaF2 (calcium fluoride) and Fe oxides increase the rate. The effect of CaO (calcium oxide) is less clear. The reaction of Ca (calcium) with S in the metal produces a layer of CaS (calcium sulphide) which can inhibit C transfer. The AFT is also one of the controlling mechanisms which limit the C dissolution. The formation of an ash layer on the carbonaceous material reduces the surface area available for dissolution, thus retarding C dissolution rates. Low AFT allows easy removal of the ash, in the form of liquid slag. This results in constant exposure of fresh C surface to the liquid iron, permitting the mass transfer of C to the liquid iron.
- Liquid iron composition – It changes over time. The C dissolution rate is typically decreased as the C content of the liquid iron increases. Higher S content also retards the C dissolution. Combustion of coal and coke releases sulphur oxides (SOx) which can react with the descending metal and slag.
Unburnt char, ash, fines and coke can interact with the dripping slag. The slag composition changes as it moves down the BF, with the Fe oxide concentration being continuously reduced. The reactions at the interface between the solid char and liquid slag play a major role in char consumption since they influence the kinetics of the reduction reactions and the contact area between the slag and char available for reaction.
Factors influencing unburnt char interactions with the slag include the slag composition, char C content, and char ash content and composition, as well as the furnace operating conditions. Char consumption by slags basically occurs through the following mechanisms.
- Reduction of the Fe oxides in slags by C in the char – The wetting characteristic has a significant effect on the dominant reduction mechanism taking place. The wetting characteristic of slags varies with slag composition, temperature, time, and carbonaceous material. Wetting varies as a function of time since the reduction of Fe oxide in the slag by char, and the dissolution of the char ash components into the slag, results in continuous variations in the slag and char compositions. An increase in temperature normally results in improved wettability at the slag/C interface. Reduction rate usually increases with increasing slag FeO (2 % to 10 %) content and with increasing reaction temperature (1300 deg C to 1600 deg C). In general, coal chars are poorly wetted by slag containing more than 10 % FeO at 1400 deg C and 1500 deg C. A faster reaction rate for coke suggests that coke fine is preferentially consumed before coal char.
- Reduction of SiO2 in slag by C of the char – It is a function of temperature. At temperatures less than 1500 deg C, only reduction of FeO takes place. At higher temperatures, both SiO2 and FeO in the slag are reduced, thus resulting in increased consumption of the char. SiO2 is reduced by C, through gaseous SiO, to Si or silicon carbide (SiC). Self-reduction of SiO2 in the char ash by C can also occur, resulting in further consumption of the char. The reduction kinetic of SiO2 is influenced by the wettability of char by the slag. Wetting behaviour is improved with an increase in slag SiO2 content, and with an increase in temperature (1500 deg C to 1700 deg C). Greater amounts of SiO2 and FeO in the char ash facilitate the slag/C interaction, leading to improved consumption of these oxides through reduction reactions.
- Interaction between components in the slag and char – This leads to the assimilation of char ash components such as S. In addition, the reduction of MgO in slag by char C can lead to further consumption. Self-reduction of the oxides in the char ash by C can also contribute to char consumption.
Slag viscosity has also a role to play. The presence of unburnt char in the slag can interfere with tapping by increasing slag viscosity, whereas absorption of char usually increases the fluidity of the bosh slag. Changes in slag mobility can affect the position and shape of the fluid and cohesive zones. A high viscosity slag around the tuyeres leads to serious gas flow problems. Slag viscosity is a complex function of slag composition, temperature and partial pressure of O2. Also unburnt char, coke, and unburnt ash from the coal can interact with the slag. All of these carbonaceous materials contribute oxides to the slag. In general, higher amounts of SiO2 or Al2O3 (acidic components) increase slag viscosity, whereas a higher basicity (higher CaO or MgO) lowers slag viscosity because of de-polymerization of the silicate network. Slag viscosity decreases with increasing FeO (0 % to 20 %) content at a fixed basicity. Basicity is normally determined by the CaO/SiO2 ratio. Since the slag does not completely absorb the char and ash in the bosh region, bosh slag usually has a higher basicity than tapped slag. The addition of fluxes can help in solving slag formation problems.